How quickly does an order ship out from the PriusChat store? I ordered the Scangauge II yesterday and was curious how fast the processing was and where exactly they ship from (to calculate days in transit). I love this forum!!!
Surprise, you just got moved... I'm afraid not many people are going to see your post unfortunately...
Plenty will see it, many of us use the 'New Posts' link to view threads here. Just because it isn't in the main forum does not mean it will be overlooked?
I don't have to argue with you over this. Just look at the "views" tab (far right) for threads posted under this topic compared to the Main Forum and do the math. The difference is Gigantic! Now, :focus: can someone try to help the OP here? I have never ordered anything from Priuschat, so don't have an answer for you, sorry.
Hi GreenGuy33 - Thanks for purchasing your ScanGauge through PriusChat! Your SGII will ship out today via USPS Priority Mail from Charlotte, NC. Priority Mail is usually 2-3 days. 2 days is the norm on the East Coast, so you should have it Saturday hopefully! You'll get a Delivery Confirmation # as soon as it ships today. Thanks again for supporting PriusChat!