Imagine my horror to open the dryer and find that my dh had washed and dried his key fob! It was late last night when I discovered it so of course I had to go straight out and test it-WHEW! It worked just fine both in unlocking the doors and communicating with the power button. Of all times for him to do laundry and NOT check his pockets.
yep been there, done that. have also dropped and completely submerged it in very dirty puddles before. twice dropped it into a pothole full of water. first time, i didnt realize the hole had 6 " of water in it and it took a good minute to fish it out. that was the SPM Fob... it still worked.
A gentle reminder about the high cost of replacing and programming a fob might encourage the checking of pockets before doing the laundry. Money is often the best behavioral modifier.
Oh Yes! I already used that reminder and not too terribly gently I might add. I may also have let him suffer for a bit that it did not work....
I washed and dried mine this week. It worked fine out of the dryer. I removed the battery cover and dried it out anyway. It seems to be semi-water resistant. It's not something I'm planning to do for routine maintenance.