Thanks for giving this thread a bump Spectra. Well, in the end was that Nifty Fifty ad real? Thirty plus years later I put my '77 Datsun B210 to the test. I was aiming for that magic 50 mpg number but had to settle for 61.53 mpg! Full results for the A.M.E.C. Economy Run event are HERE. More pics can be seen HERE. It was great to meet Hobbit and other northeastern hypermilers last month. Cheers, Mike P.S. It was this thread that inspired me to enter my B210 in a gas mileage contest. Thanks Mauibound.
This takes me back. I had an aqua green 1976 Datsun B210 for 5 years. Was it a great car? Who cares? I bought it for $3,600 and sold it five years later for $2,000. I drove for five years for $1,600.
Wow... memories... I had a 1973 Datsun 610 that I bought for $600 and fixed up so it would run... Can't even remember what happened to it, but eventually moved up to a Dodge Dart... Now that was a car... Gotta love metal dashboards!
My wife car was aqua blue 1976 4 door, we could fit 3 car seats across the back LOL Car seats were much smaller then
Great thread! Brings back great memories. My first car was a 77 B210 Hatchback. No air just basic car. But it sure got me wherever I was going. I think $5.00 filled it up and I could go forever. When I bought it I had NO idea how to drive a 5-speed. The salesman took me on a back road, got in the floorboard and showed me how to work the clutch and gas. I drove it the 45 miles home without incident. I believe I literally drove the wheels off that car before I traded it in for a Nissan. I can remember in snow driving around in huge snows often going around much bigger vehicles that were stuck.
My first car was a b-210. Red.. with a moon roof that made it look like a lady bug when open. I LOVED that car!
Glad to see this thread come back to life. With many more refinements and modifications, I have raised my own record for miles per gallon for a Datsun B210. It had been 61.53, but after quite along list of further changes to the car, was able to reset the all time record for B210 mpg at 77.04. Full results from Economy Run III can be found HERE. The modifications to the car start on page 45 of THIS thread. Mike
first car i learned stick in, a friend sold it to us for 500.00 and it ran awesome dont remember what happede to it but my 25 yrold son was brought home in it.