Bought the TracFone Motorola W360g and have a 2010 with Bluetooth. Tried several times to "pair" the phone with the Prius, unsuccessfully. Neither the Phone Manual, nor the Prius Manual were any help. The woman's voice on the Prius trying to talk me through the pairing started to sound impatient with my responses to her questions, and just refused to pair the phone. I may have said something to her I shouldn't have, in my frustration. Pushing the button didn't help, either. Then I did a Google search. There's something about the TracFone being "hardwired" with a "0000" code and I do not know how to get around it. Some folks say there is a work around but I can't understand what they are talking about. ????? I really need step by step instructions, in plain english. Computereze is for geeks.
In the Prius settings change the pairing code from 1212 to 0000 and it will pair with the trac phone. Trac is hard wired only to except 0000 only
push setup button on side of screen push "phone button" on screen push "bluetooth" on screen push "edit" passcode on next screen change1212 to 0000
Is it possible to change the pass key code to 0000 on a Model III WITHOUT Navigation? Owners manual gives strange instructions which I can't gey mine to do. Reminds me of instructions on a tax return.