OK so here's my dilema; I bought a panasonic X70 cell phone which is blue tooth compatible. When I select the "add a phone" option the car will to the looking for the phone screen. Now my phone will find the Prius whereupon I put the code in to the phone provided by the Prius, but the Prius never recognizes the phone. So the phone see the Prius but the Prius doesn't see the phone and yes I've tried this step several times even with the phone being discoverable. Any suggestions? Thanks Garrett 04 Salsa Red since 2/04 :cussing:
i haven't received my prius yet so i'm just guessing here. Does it matter which side starts the connection car or phone? I know with my ear piece I had to set up the ear piece first then set the phone second.
I set up both the phone and the Prius at the same time. I had the screen of the Prius set to look for the phone and then I had the phone find the Prius. My problem is the the Prius won't recognise the phone even after the phone lists it as a paired device after I put the 4 digit password in. Garrett
Check with the manual/manufacturer to ensure that your handset supports the Bluetooth "Hands Free" profile. Without support for this profile, the handset will not work with the Prius. Bluetooth is a general specification for radio communications in the 2.4GHz spectrum. Each application that uses Bluetooth-based communication must support one or more "profiles", which define the specific features and protocols for a particular mode of communication. To use an analogy, think of sending a letter through the postal system: "Bluetooth" is the postal carrier, and defines how an envelope should be formatted and establishes the rules for delivery; a "profile" defines the contents of the envelope - for instance, if it is a US IRS form in English or a request for a manufacturer's rebate in Sanscrit. The problem here, then, is that your phone probably isn't speaking Sanscrit.
Just an update for anyone interested. The panasonic x70 doesn't communicate with the Prius eventhough it is bluetooth enabled. I just got the Motorola V600 and it works like a charm through AT&T Wireless. The only problem is that you have to activate the bluetooth link every time from the phone, it is not automatic. Garrett
Garrett, i know this may be a little late since you got a new phone, but i had the same problem connecting my ericsson t68i. what i had to do was go the normal setup and the phone said it was connect but the car didn't reconize the phone. from this point i had to select the device from the list of linked devices and select connect. this worked for and now it connects every time i enter the car.
Call Panosonic and get a universal pass key #. Then change it to that passkey and do a device search and see if it links.
I recently got a Motorola V600 and found you have to delete the phone and then manually activate the BlueTooth link everytime you turn the car on. Is this really true or is there a setting I am missing? It is automatic with the Ericsson phones. Eric
Eric, The Motorola V600 works without any problems now. As long as I keep the phone on the car will recognize the phone. If I turn the phone off and then turn it back on and wait a few minutes then the car won't connect with the phone. The phone searches for bluetooth devices when you initially turn it on, I can't figure out why once the phone is on, that the car won't recognize it. I hope thats not too confusing. To sum it up; when I have turned off the phone as long as I turn it on and then turn the power on the prius it works great. Once that occurs, as long as the phone stays on I can turn the Prius on and the two will work together without any problems. I hope this helps. Garrett, aka Runeridr
Garrett, I tried you your phone turn off - on sequence, but could only get the Prius to recognize the phone if I first deleted the phone. I will try the phone in another Prius and see if same results and let you know. Eric
Garrett, I tried the V600 in another Prius with the same results. Once I turn the Prius off l(leaving the phone on) and then turn the Prius back on the phone is no longer recognized. The only way it will relink is to delete the phone and go through the "add a phone" steps. I've talked with AT&T with no results, so will return the phone. Eric
Connected both my SonyEricsson T610 and my wife's Z600 without problem. Contrary to some posting at this forum communication quality is fine. The only inconvenience is when we switch cars we have to "Setup>Select" our phones. It would be nice to have voice command "Switch Phone User".
My Sony Ericsson T616 works pefectly. I also purchased the Motorola V600, but have not been able to to get it work, see my previous messages. Eric