New owner of 2010 (base model). Overall quite happy, 270 miles so far, averaging 47.2 MPG. Question: I would prefer a MPG display in numerical format instead of the gauge. Is there any way to set it this way?
:welcome: Please press the "Trip" button on the steering wheel, until you find the display you like. There are trip A and trip B. Both can be reset to 0. I leave trip A alone so that it will show cumulative information from the starting day. I reset trip B before any specific trip that I want to record. Good luck!
I think he means the instantaneous gauge...AFAIK you only get a vertical graph for that one, which is good because having to read rapidly changing numbers on a dashboard probably isn't such a good idea, in addition to being kinda useless. If you want to find out your mpg for a trip use the trip buttons as suggested can also see your mpg for 5 minute intervals as both a series of vertical graphs and numbers.
I actually like the instantaneous gauge that way a lot better than a number. The bars let you know how you are doing with just a quick look and also gives you a better representation of how you are doing in the whole range, but that's just me...
You could add a Scangauge II which can display current mpg, rpm, coolant temp, etc. It installs easily and will help monitor the hybrid system.
I agree, ScanGaugeII can be purchased through this site and installed in 10 minutes. Then you can choose 4 of the available readouts including MPG, Tach, Coolant Temp, Throttle Position, Ign Timing, etc. There are several good threads on the ScanGauge.
I'm suspicious about the mpg read-out - anyone else notice? My G3, IV has 5300 miles ... "lifetime average is 53.6 mpg (calculated) I am well satisfied. I have documented every mile and every gallon. I downloaded someones mileage EXCEL chart, so I am taking no credit ... or assessing blame. But now that colder weather is setting in and mileage is dropping sllightly, I seem to be witnessing that the difference between actual and indicated is increasing. Here is my point: I wonder if the computer is programmed to read proportionately higher as the actual mileage falls? Said another way ... when my actual mileage was 54+ mpg, the indicated difference ..... was 1.2 mpg. Now that my actual is down around 50+, the indicated difference ...... is more like 3.5 mpg. If I did not calculate the actual .... I would think that my mileage was almost as good as before based solely on the indicated mpg. After I have a few more fill-ups, I will graph the observation and see if there is a correlation, or it is my imagination. Lastly .... anyone have any idea how the mpg is computer calculated? Fuel flow past the fuel pump? My Dodge truck has a mph gauge, and it is 4 mpg on the "rosey side" ... always has been. I read that somehow it measures the weight of fuel in the tank, and calculates the mpg. That seems a bit far-fetched ... but maybe?
Past threads, here and elsewhere, disagree on how fuel consumption is computed -- injector pulses and times (which are available to the engine controller) or airflow (used very successfully by ScanGauge, which lacks access to injector activity). If the later, then seasonal changes in fuel blend will change the computed accuracy. ScanGauge recalibrates when the user enters the actual gallons pumped for refills. Prius has no such feedback mechanism.