I'm looking to buy a used GenII Prius. I've found good prices on cars but without navigation. I really want navigation. Is it possible to retrofit the OEM navigation and how much would it cost? thanks, David
I think I have seen others that have done it, but it's spendy. AND, when you're done, you have a second rate navigation system that costs a fortune to upgrade with new maps. Read up on the many threads on the nav system. Many, many folks don't like it, including me. It was one of the things I wanted, but after having it for about 9 months, I find my $100 2 year old aftermarket unit is far superior. Better maps, better directions. Toyota won't take me anywhere but on primary roads and most residences are not on a primary road or highway. Even some pretty main roads are ignored unless you are already on them - it will take me miles out of the way rather than hit a couple of stop signs. It informs me I have arrived always a block or two prior to actual arrival if it does happen to go all the way. More likely it tells me to "follow the arrows" and that it cannot complete the job, even on old, well established roads. I DO like the large screen on the Toyota system, but that's about it. All in all, I would give serious consideration to a Garmin or even a TomTom (the one in my truck is a step or two below that, even) before shelling out any extra for the Nav system from Toyota.
It's really cost prohibitive to retrofit a non-NAV Prius to NAV. Get yourself a good portable device like a Garmin. Word of caution - don't try to use a suction cup mount on the multi-function display (MFD)
You know, we got by for 100 years trusting our sense of direction and being able to read a map. I got my Prius used, and the Nav system was a bonus (didn't even know it was part of the package). For directions, it is not the best, but it is handy to have the map and "points of interest" in front of me when I drive and especially when I am in an unfamiliar area. Just a word of warning, one of the most common reasons for car break-ins now, is to steal the after market Navigation systems. Either take it out ALL THE TIME or you will probably suffer a broken window and lost system. To me, one of the great advantages of the factory installed system is they are not going to come out! So get yourself a map and if you really need it, a system you can take out (and bring inside your workplace and home) each time. If thieves see the bracket (even without a unit) they are likely to break in to your car eventually if you leave it in parking lots or on the street. (How do I know this? My daughter is a police officer, and I remember a TV news anchor reporting on this story, and that night her car was broken into!)
You don't look nearly that old. But I see your point. People and other animals have been navigating without benefit of electronics for many thousands of years. Some more successfully than others, mind you. The Wedafukowee tribe quickly became extinct because they had no idea where they were, let alone where they were going. Yet, the modern generation is entirely too reliant on routine and their devices. Hardly a day goes by I don't hear "Daaad, this isn't the way Mom goes."
I just use the gps in my phone... a bonus use of that... when parking in an unfamiliar area, just drop a landmark when you get out of your car and you can find your car with it later. (I did this when I parked in Toronto once after going around in circles trying to get parked to watch a too-popular parade in little italy)