I'm really not one to start conflicts - nor restart them. But I AM one who enjoys mysteries and CLOSURE. Rick, I understand your action to close and move the topic - regarding some suggestions that the Prius Oil Change Interval may be changed from 5K to 10K. It did range well off topic many times. But the basis for this OP seemed to NEVER be addressed. And remains completely open. - Why that dealer in Florida had (supposedly) some sort of documentation of a change. - Why other (supposed) dealers/representatives alluded that it would be changed? - Why Doug's Toyota USA group (another supposedly) never addressed this other than "patience"... With all the related posts to the original thread, it sure appears that this is an important topic to many members here. I feel that it would be prudent and good customer communications for Toyota to address this - either a Yes or No. This has gone on long enough, and I personally feel Stonewalled. If the OCI remains at 5K -fine. Just tell us. If the OCI changes to 10K for the 2011 model, without technical mods or explanation -well I for one would not be pleased. If the topic remains "unanswered" by Toyota...same. Prius '10 customers deserve closure on this. I have not gone through every one of the 572 posts, so if I missed something substantial along the way, please let us know. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...l-change-interval-revised-not-yet-closed.html
Right on Dean, thanks for bringing it back! Now I can get my daily fix. We got to keep the pressure on or it will never get addressed (one way or the other) and we know that Toyota does monitor this forum.
As a potential Prius owner, I would like the straight scoop on what is the OCI. Thanks for posting this topic.
I'm going to buy in the next month and asked the sales manager at a dealer about it. He told me he couldn't say anything for sure but that Toyota was considering the 10K oil change and it looked to him like the change would be made. He just had no idea how soon. I was at UCLA talking to a guy who was studying oil and friction for a thesis and he said 10K miles for a synthetic was no problem. But he emphasized the need for a matched, larger, filter.
Guys, with the right oil, you can easily go 10k. Pennzoil Platinum, Mobil 1, Motul, Amsoil, Lubri-Moly, Castrol Edge. I've posted used oil analysis time and time again. I understand you're being cautious with your new purchase, but understand the manufacturer and dealer aren't there to save you money on service. If they could get away with it, they'd tell you that washing your car anywhere besides the dealer would void the warranty.
I was curious on this as well, 5k or 10k. Then when I got my coupon book that comes with the prepaid maintenance plan I figured I got my answer. I expected it to be coupons for every 5000 miles to change oil, but nope, the coupons are only for every 10,000 miles. So essentially Toyota is telling me to service my Prius every 10,000 miles.
** Moved to Maintenance Forum ** I don't mind the debate, but please do so in the proper forum. I too would love an answer. But I don't think a thread that is 572 posts long is easy to search for "the answer". Once it becomes available, I'd appreciate if the "source" of that info would start a NEW thread once it has been confirmed.
You bought the prepaid - what was the cost??? That's funny that they are moving to 10K in NC...............
It seems that the debate will simply go on and on -- but to no avail. Nearly everyone agrees that synthetic could allow you to go 10K for an OCI. BUT, Toyota is the one who has offered the warranty, and they are recommending 5,000 miles (with synthetic oil). Vary from this at your own discretion, understanding the implications and risks. Agreed. Except for directions offered by one dealer, the warranty period hasn't changed, so the only real certainty is the the number is 5,000 miles unless or until it is changed. AND, the warranty is provied by the manufacturer, not by the dealer. Be careful to distinquish between the two.
The answer is 5K and I believe Totyota will never change it for the 2010 Prius. I have been talking a lot with different dealers lately regarding different things and the most experienced tells me that it is better that I forget this OCI issue and just accept it because it is unlikely to change.
A try at some sort of closure... Has this died on the vine? No news is NOT good news. I really would have expected Doug's Toyota USA team to (at least) briefly address this topic after their "patience..." reply many weeks ago. I know the Japanese business culture, having been over there more than 10 times, many meetings and other communications etc. If they don't want to answer a question, it's ignored or simply stonewalled. Guess our politicians go there for training.... A non-answer, or lack of communication, is not very professional. It would be very interesting to see how this whole thing got started - and why.
I think in 100's of pages of messages the question has been asked and answered many times. If the answer is not satisfactory, then get off the computer and call Toyota. Nothing better than the original source.
I firmly believe that it will be changed to 10,000 miles. It's not a matter of it, but a matter of when... Bryan P.S. No matter what Toyota says, I'm going with 10,000 miles on both cars now that I've switched to Mobile 1.
My 2009 dodge journey "requires an oil change every 6,000 miles or six months whichevr comes first". I don't drive it much so to stay in strict compliance, I may be changing my oil with 3,000 miles on it. I use Mobil 1 BTW. Going a year on a single oil change is a long time considering the moisture, fuel and dirt that can get in there. (Only UOA is going to tell the story). A small problem can be mitigated with more frequent changes and go unnoticed. Going 10,000 miles, with a small engine problem could allow you to run the engine a long time with potentially contaminated oil and do more cumulative damage. If I were toyota, I would stick with the 5,000 miles because it would lessen the risk of having to make major engine repairs for free. I understand the concerns about consuming less oil, and the expense of wasting oil, but from an engine preservation perspective, it makes sense. If one was monitoring their oil quality regularly, I woul feel safe with the longer OCI, but if you are like most people, the shorter one is better. If I were going to go the 10k miles, I would do a UOA after the first two changes at 5k miles, and if they looked good, then go 8 or 10k, but continuing the UOAs as proof that there is nothing wrong with my engine. (The problem with all that...human nature being what it is...why not just change the oil more often instead of going through all that trouble and expense?) Just my thoughts...
What "Closure" does anyone want? It is 5K miles. The only "open" issue is a bunch of gossip and hearsay. I guess I don't get it.