Hi All, I'm about to swap out my failed transaxle on my 2003 and I need the manuals but the darn TIS only accepts credit cards with a US address. I would be happy to paypal you with the TIS fee and something for your trouble. I would like all the applicable manuals: electrical, diagnostic and mechanical. They could be emailed or by CD. Thanks. p.s. The transaxle died because the previous owners punctured the sump on a curb, didn't notice the slow leak and ran it dry. Not a reliability issue thankfully.
I have both manuals and the electrical diagram, bought four years ago. I'll call TIS Monday morning and see what the replacement cost will be. Once I get the particulars, I'll e-mail what they quote me and we can do a deal. They were pretty pricey several years ago, over $300, but I've never regretted a penny. Send an e-mail to 625k.inc at gmail.com with your shipping address. I would suggest checking with your local Toyota parts service center. They may be able to order the manuals and that would be a much cleaner solution ... just a thought. Also, look through the Ebay listings. I've seen the NHW11 manuals for about $150 (US) and I think Ebay handles international currency exchange. To mechanically remove the transaxle, only Volume 2 is needed. Volume 1 has the diagnostics stuff you'll need to work off any residual codes and figure out what is working or not. In the meanwhile, I would recommend removing the windshield wipers and the pan that covers the firewall. Take your time, organize your fasteners and take lots of photos. Drain the inverter coolant. Removing the inverter is not that hard. Again, take photos and organize your fasteners. Take the driver side tire off and I would recommend figuring out how to take out the wheel well liner. It is plastic and gets in the way. Finally, take the under body covers off and put them aside. They can only get in the way. Bob Wilson
I will start soon with the wipers and cowl. Hobbit has a great description with pics which goes so far as removing the inverter. I ended up subscribing to alldata for now. I found a set of manuals on ebay which I may bid on if I can get the sellers to respond to my questions. I do want the physical books. The TIS is a PITA from what I have read. Thanks for the offer, Bob.
No problem. If you get to a 'stop work' state because you don't have Volume 2, send me an e-mail and we'll figure something out. But it sounds like you have options so lets see how it works out. One thing, when you take a front hub out, be sure and suspend them so you don't have to open the brake line. Bleeding our brakes is a little tricky and you might want to avoid that task. Bob Wilson
i have a prius 2003 repair manual for japan market written in english in one pdf file (about 20 Mb). it's not complete i suppose but there is a lot of technical data, specification tables, and diagrams. if somebody need it, just wrote me how to share it in the web.