I have a 2010 Prius with Navi package. Today I tried changing the time to set it to Daylight Standard Time and went through the setup just as directed in the manual. Onscreen it shows that I am in the Central Zone and have changed the Daylight Savings Time to "off", but the time of the clock remains the same. Help.
What "H" button? This is the navi package in the 2010, and there is a screen for setup. Clock is one of the items to setup...and a screen to toggle on or off on daylight savings. Maybe I'm making it more difficult than it is. I even tried changing the time zone to make it an hour earlier - but that didn't change the clock either.
Oh, I'm sorry. I don't have nav, so I guess you guys don't have those H/M/S buttons on the dash above the start button. I wish I could help but, I can't. Good luck! you'll find it out. If all else fails.. Drive it to the dealer I guess.
What you changed in the settings directly affects the navigation time. For example it telling you what time you will arrive at your destination. You do have the change the time on your upper display elsewhere. Just bought the car so I don't remember where...pretty sure it was an "H" button I have V w/Nav
That's what I did. Pushed the H button above the start button to advance the time 23 hours. As I believe discussed in other posts, the dash clock and the Navi clock are not interrelated for whatever reason.
On your dashboard, there are buttons. One says H. Press and hold it. The hours will advance. Amazing that this is not stated on pg 241 where it lists the clock.
To reset my clock this morning I had to use the DISP button on my steering wheel to change the display to settings and then clock. I tried pushing the H and M buttons on the dash first but nothing happened. Changing the time really shouldn't be this complicated, especially when there are dedicated buttons.
I assume you are trying to change the clock on the MFD. I have the Nav and all I did was press the H button to the left of the Nav and changed the hour. You have to hold the H button down for a second or two before the time begins to change. It is not complicated at all.
Two things a GPS based system knows are what time it is and where it's at. It should be telling me the time and time zone. Daylight savings time is at the whim of legislators and lobbyists and can't be predicted. But it shouldn't be to difficult to integrate the GPS time and location into the Nav system clock and the cars clock, should it?
I finally figured this out after I diddled with it a few times. On the Phaeton, when I changed the time zone, etc., on the nav, the dashboard clock updated appropriately. The Daylight Savings Time setting only affects the arrival time for the Sat Nav.
Set the car clock with the H and M buttons on the dash board. Set the Nav system clock according to the Nav System manual, the two clocks are independent or each other. Unless you use arrival time vice travel time for the Nav you don't even need to fool with it.
I stand corrected. I tried it again and the H button worked just fine this time. I suppose I just didn't press it long enough yesterday. It's funny when I looked up 'clock' in the manual it referred me to the DISP function, which also works BTW.
I had exactly the same problem. Thanks to this forum, the dash clock is NOT the same as the Navi clock. Duh. Found the dashboard buttons to the change the clock. I failed to find it in the manual too.
My car with Navi (AY) has not yet been delivered, but if it is anything like my Garmin it should get the correct time from the satellite. Every GPS I have seen has this feature. If Toyota's GPS does not work this way, it is truly antiquated - sorry I ordered it.
Skipper, Even with my Garmin, I had to tell it the Time Zone, along with DST. GPS operates off of GMT (Greenwich Meridian Time). It's up to the end user to make the differential correction for time zone on the receiver itself. So, in that respect, the Garmin and Toyota's Sat Nav systems are identical.
No, it wouldn't be that hard, although it would add a few dollars to the cost. It's one of the mysteries why such a technologically advanced vehicle use a cheapo dash clock. All GPS systems know the time down to about a millionth of a second. Without this timing information, GPS navigation is not possible. Whether the GPS outputs this time information is another issue. If you want to know how a simple GPS chip can keep such accurate time, I can explain that as well. Tom
I personally would love to have my dash clock in synch with the GPS, but I suspect that other customers would not. My wife, for example, likes to keep her clock set a few minutes ahead because it keeps her from being late. You would need to account for those, and probably other, preferences. My guess is that it is easier to just let the user set whatever time they want. That's okay with me as long as the clock can keep the time and is easy to set.