I love the blue badge! I've seen all silver too that you can buy and black. It's just the decal you slip underneath. I am just hoping those crazy badge thieves keep their paws off them.
That's part of why I went with Silver. The blue badges look really good instead of clashing with other colors like the red.
I beg your pardon! I have the red and the blue badges look sharp. I've had people comment on how sharp it looked. You bought silver because of the blue badge? Interesting!
If the badge were green instead of blue just think how good it would look on red cars around Christmas time.
No pardon needed. To each their own - especially when it comes to color choices. I mean, I thought Superman's blue tights clashed with the red cape. Lois Lane didn't feel that way. Yep, to each their own. SuperGirl, on the other hand....
If you feel bad about the Toyota badge? Just take a look at almost Mazda's entire line. The front grill makes all their cars look like idiot smiling escapees from a PIXAR movie. Like it or hate it, the badge ain't that bad.
Ya,Your right!!I'm just going to black out the blue part on mine!! I don't love it or hate it, It just looks sh!tty on my car!! Scott
If there's one thing that makes me ashamed about having a Toyota, it's the comically and stupidly phallic T - symbol. The blue is just icing on the, um, whatever. . .