After watching my mother and her TWO Priuses, I made the plunge last week, putting down a deposit with the Credit Union Autoland service. They got me the car in the color without options, exactly how I wanted it, in under 10 days. Amazing in this market. Checked in with the rep on Tuesday morning, and she replied that it had arrived!
Congrats jwhite! If you would like a copy of the Owner's Manual on pdf (at over 600 pages, I highly recommend getting the pdf so you can do word and phrase searches easily), go to Posts #19 and #20 of the following linked thread, where there are instructions that will enable you to download a pdf of the Owner's Manual yourself: If you would like a copy of the Navigation Manual on pdf (at over 300 pages, this also is worthwhile to have so you can do word and phrase searches easily), send me a PM (Private Message) with your email address, and I'll email you a copy. Enjoy your new ride.
Hmm... looks like your old car is some sort of domestic vehicle.... My guess was a Hyundai b/c of the clock/vent arrangement but the driver's door panel swayed me towards a domestic, possible a Chevy.
Congrats on your new prius III with Nav. I just picked mine up last tuesday. Only about 3 1/2 week waiting period after deposit. Same thing as yours but its blue. By any chance does j in jwhite.pc stand for Jason?
I was driving a Kia Spectra, I think. It was a rental, as my car had been totaled in an accident. -- John
John, Congratulations on your new car. I have had my Prius, the same as yours, for about two months and 3500 miles later and just as happy with it as the day I drove it home from the dealership. Have fun, Dwight
john, I've spent more time in that parking lot than I care to explain! Went to high school in the area, played many concerts at the Chain Reaction up the street, and that parking lot contains, if its not located close-to, a wendys, where many a late night meet up went on. congrats, hope to see you around.