Hello, I have a Model II basic Prius and I cant get the Auto-off headlights feature to work. If I leave headlights on and wait for 30 seconds as the owners manual says, the lights do not turn off. The dealer told me that Auto-Off headlights feature does not come with Model II. Is this correct? Any model II owners have any workarounds? My other car does a beeping sound if i leave headlights on. Is this beeping something I can add to a Prius? Any recommendations? Thanks!
Not correct. My Model II has it. Check the owners manual. Auto Off is mentioned on page 208. There is a possible customization mentioned on page 581, though this might apply only to the Canadian headlight system.
On mine if you go in the car and turn on the headlights they will stay on (without running the car). If I drive the car and park it but leave the lights on they turn off in 30 seconds.
Are you sure? Mine does not have the word "Auto" as headlight switch option. Does your car have "Auto" as healight switch option?
I will test when driving it and then parking and leaving light on. I only tested it when the car is off. Thanks.
I believe that all 2010's have auto off and that the switch off timing is programmable. Auto position on switch is for auto on. I don't believe that the current US models have that feature.
That's 100% accurate. The US Market vehicles do NOT have Auto On feature but have the Auto Off feature. I wish they had both in the US, but at least they turn off, so it's not hard to just leave the switch on all the time. Just one of those small "quirks" you wish Toyota would have done differently.
If you are turning ON your lights WHILE in the car and waiting for them to go out, they will NOT. You will need to turn the car ON, then turn the headlights ON, Park the car, turn the car OFF (don't turn the headlights OFF) OPEN the DRIVERS Door and exit the vehicle. Opening the Drivers Door is what triggers the headlights to turn OFF in 30 seconds! David (aka Blind Guy)
Actually, I learned from experience this evening that they will go off while you are sitting in the car. Now, the passenger-side door was opened as my husband got out to fill the gas tank, but I never opened my door; I just turned the car off and sat there and the headlights did go off after 30 seconds. As previously stated, perhaps you do have to open one door, but it apparently does not have to be the driver's side door.
On the G2 Prius (2004-2009 models), it was only the driver's door that would enable the auto-off feature. Also, there was no delay.
According to Toyota Prius Hybrid - 2010 Models: Prius II, Prius III, Prius IV, Prius V , models 2,3 and 4 have Auto-off, while model 5 has LED Auto-off.