Hey all, I've been registered for a few years but this is my first post. I've seen a few posts on this subject but none I feel that help me directly. I replaced my original POS Integrity's (at 38k) from my 08 Prius this past weekend with ComforTreads and had an alignment done. Although the ComforTreads are a MUCH better ride, I now struggle to keep the car going a in a straight line down the highway. I'm constantly making mini-adjustments to keep `er straight and things feel strange around corners and definitely when braking...I can be holding the wheel straight when braking but the car may pull right or left. The car don't have play in the steering, but it's acting that way When first on the rack, toe readings were -0.13 front (.06 left / -0.19 right) and -0.06 rear (0.12 left / 0.25 right). My step-dad, who owns an `05 Prius, said it's best to ask for a slight toe-in of 0.05 when getting an alignment on these..., so that's what I asked for. As you can gather, that front/right was off pretty bad (but it drove better than it does now, believe it or not) and they said they couldn't do anything w/the rear, of course. However, the 'after' read out makes it seem they only adjusted the front/right wheel as that was the only reading that changed from the initial check...they put it to 0.05 and changed the caster from -0.84 to -0.80, leaving the front/left at 0.06 and the caster at -1.11. My step-dad's theory is "they just adjusted one side, when they should have centered the steering wheel and then adjust both sides to be in the +.05 range for each tire, otherwise the way they did it would uncenter the steering wheel and possibly make the 'steering assist' power steering hunt for center...which may account for the feeling of play in the steering." Any of you agree w/that? Of course, the service rep. says that he didn't do it that way (TiresPlus)...but then why wouldn't they put the left to 0.05 as I asked, ya know? Could the caster settings I explained be a prob. too? Anyway, I'm bringing it back tomorrow...really don't know what to tell this guy other than my suspicions. Based on where the rears are now, is the slight toe-in still a good idea or should I go w/factory spec? Should I get Galaxee's Shim Kit base on my current rear toe? Any suggestions/advise would be much appreciated...I really know nothing about alignment. HELP!
http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...ooting/33373-2007-model-alignment-issues.html I think your step-dad is correct; they should straighten out the steering and toe-in each side equally. Also, if you have VSC, they should perform a Zero Point VSC calibration if they adjust the front toe-in. But I think your problem may be the rear toe difference - that seemed to be the biggest issue when my car had the squirrely highway handling. You can adjust the rear toe using shims - either custom made like Galaxee's DH provides, or an aftermarket plastic shim which has become available since I shimmed my RH rear hub. BTW, I drove today with 30+mph crosswinds and had no problems with stability with the rear toe-in fixed and Michelin tires to replace the original POS tires. The wind will push the car, but no need to make multiple steering corrections.
Thank you for your response! Is performing a "Zero Point VSC calibration" part of a normal alignment on cars with VSC now? Or is that only done at the dealer? I mean, a shop that says they are 'alignment specialists' should know what that is if I request that right?
Yes, the last step for the front toe-in adjustment is to "Perform VSC system calibration". The shop will have to have a Toyota scan tool or equivalent to communicate with the Skid Control ECU and the procedure from the Toyota service manual. Normally this would be done at a dealer, but a savvy independent shop may also be able to do it. If you ask your shop and they give you a blank stare, then they don't know what it is and they won't be able to do it.
Thanks again, but you are probably more on w/the rear alignment suspicians thought...Galaxee responded to an email of mine saying that my rear #'s were WAY OFF...more than any shim kit could fix. I emailed a PDF of the readings and am awaiting advice. Almost wonder if I should put settings back to the 'check' readings...perhaps that compensated? I got just over 38k on my original Integrities (more than most, I'm told), there were no bad wear patterns...other than both edges being bald, but smooth...even though tires were over-inflated. I don't know.
The LF toe was fine at 0.06 degrees. Since you wanted a slight toe-in of 0.05 degrees on the RF, it only made sense to keep the LF toe where it was to prevent any issues. Sometimes, the differences in toe from side-to-side will cause the vehicle to pull. As for the rear toe, yours is not too far out of spec to be adjusted by a shim. Moog Part #K66601 is $7 on RockAuto and will provide 1/4 degree of camber/toe adjust for the rear. That should help a bit with the RR. Also, Caster usually can't be adjusted. However, caster won't cause a tire wear problem. And I doubt it's causing your pull here. Lastly, I don't see any camber readings in your posts. Cross-camber will sometimes cause a pull. I prefer to keep cross-camber at less than 1/2 degree, so what are your camber readings?
Is the actual rear toe negative (toed out) or positive (toed in)? If negative, then both rear wheels need correction. If positive (toed in) then you would just need to shim the right rear to match the left rear. I am assuming the readings above are in degrees.
Like I said, 1st post...figured out how to attach, here's a PDF of the readings. 1st pg. is performed alignment, 2nd pg. is the initial alignment check. Thank you for your response/help!
Yes, degrees...and I don't know, to me the front #'s add up. But they don't give a total toe for the rears...just 0.12 L and 0.25 R. The Rear Right toe in seems excessive, not? Since no negative mark, I guess that'd be (toe in). I attached the PDF alignment readings in a post to 'thecritic' in this thread if you'd wanna have a look. Otherwise, I just got off the phone w/the dealer and they said that Zero Calibration on the VSC can be crucial for the Prius...and it could be a combonation of the elect. steering assist hunting for center if TiresPlus didn't center it properly too. So I'm gonna go back to TP tonight and say "Zero VSC Calibration" and "Steering Assist" and if I get a blank stare I'm going to demand my money back and make an appt. w/the dealer. But then I've read so many bad things about guys bringing their alignment issue to the dealer on here too. Still haven't heard back from Galaxee either, hopefully will by end of day.
Thanks! Do you have any weigh-in on them perhaps not centering the wheel (or properly) to throw off the elect. steering assist...or the Zero VSC Calibration? Perhaps Galaxee thought my figures were in inches, not degrees (should've specified). If a shim can fix 1/4 degree, that isn't too bad...I will look up RockAuto! I also attached a PDF of the readouts in my previous reply to you if you care to take a look? Much appreciated...and that goes for everyone!
Hmm, I don't see any caster readings, only camber. The front camber and toe are both fine. On the rear, I'd say install the 1/4 degree rear shim on the RR and that should bring your toe and camber a bit closer to the LR. However, if you leave it the way it is, it probably won't cause any tire wear either. As for the zero point calibration, my friend's '06 Prius was out by .30 and after the alignment, we did not perform a zero point calibration and the car has not developed any issues. If the steering wheel wasn't off-center before, you might be able to get away with it. After all, if you think about it, independent shops perform a lot of alignments of Prius-es without doing the zero-point calibration and they rarely have any issues.
After seeing the printout: Yes, the figures at the top are Camber : - 1.1 is just on the edge of spec, - 0.8 is ok, the middle of spec is -0.6 each side. Camber is adjustable, uneven camber could cause a pull to one side, it shouldn't affect tire wear unless it is really far out of spec. Yes, your toe in was originally wacked out on the right side. It looks ok after adjustment, but according to the service manual, a VSC calibration should be done. On the rear, the - 0.06 is actually the thrust angle; the thrust angle is a measure of the tendency to steer to one side of the other. Ideally it would be zero. I think that the right rear hub could be shimmed to match the toe in on the left rear wheel. This would reduce the thrust angle and minimize the tendency for the rear to steer one way or the other. Fixing this made the most difference in improving highway handling on my car.
Thank you, what ur saying makes a lot of sense...but there is no consistent pulling, but more like unnecessary micro-adjustments made by the computer and me feeling like I have to constantly compensate in order to keep it straight. And the 'center' feels like it got really soft compared to before so feels like there's play now...the whole thing gives the car a sense of instability and is exhausting to drive the .5hrs backNforth to work now...can't imagine a long trip. Anyway, TiresPlus had it on the rack again last night and wouldn't change any alignment from where it was...so consensus is it has to be an electronic issue. We decided the only thing left to was to let Toyota do the VSC calibration. If that fixes the problem, then TiresPlus said they'd give me my alignment money back. Thank you all for your time/suggestions/advice. I learned a lot!
Hey again, I see you have an `07...wonder if the manual for my `08 is the same (why wouldn't it be?). Anyway, where did you see in your manual that a "VSC calibration should be done"? I went thru mine last night and couldn't find that anywhere. I think I'm going to go to Toyota to have this done, and if I could find where it specifically says that in my manual, that will really help my case of getting a refund on my alignment at TiresPlus since they cannot provide that service.
It is in the suspension section - page SP-3 in my manual. The front toe in adjustment starts on page SP-2. I would post the page, but I am out of room to post stuff on PC.
If this is of any help here are the last steps for front wheel alignment of 2009 Prius Not sure if "YAW RATE SENSOR ZERO POINT CALIBRATION" is the same as "VSC calibration" mentioned above, but it does look like some kind of electronic reset and re-calibration is needed. Good luck!
hey, sorry, i'm totally slammed at work this week and haven't had time to discuss with DH much. the rear numbers are fine- that was DH not hearing me correctly when i asked him about it. will get to address the continued steering issues after alignment hopefully soon...
OK, so TiresPlus called me back after discussing VSC calibration w/the dealer...but they asked about tire pressure first. I should've mentioned this before, but I've read on here to run 40 fronts and 38 rears (I see some even run higher) for better MPG...I ran that not too long after buying the car and did notice a difference (could never average above 50 b4 doing so) so that's the pressure I asked for on the new tires. So whatever, I figured whats the harm in letting TiresPlus let a little air out? I gotta say, it's much better...but still noticeable. I could actually go with it. But my fear is safety...I can still feel it make it's little adjustments, and still a little softness/play at center and weird shifts when breaking or letting off the gas, just not nearly as much. Now will those little adjustments cause a swerve when the roads ice up here in MN? I could probably handle it but not sure about my wife? And I feel that's not really fixing the problem...just lessening it. Or, perhaps it's just breaking in new tires...and these ComforTreads are a much softer tire than da Integritys. Perhaps I should wait 5k, do a tire rotation and then play with pressure again? But then again, I don't want to find out the hard way if the VSC should still be calibrated...and if I let time go by, there's no chance of getting TP to refund that alignment...what to do? For my family's safety, I'm leaning towards spending the money on a second opinion at the dealer...even if it don't fix it, but only if you all feel there's a good chance it will. Toyota makes no guarantees it will. How many of you have actually NEEDED the VSC recalibrated?
I never had to adjust the front toe, so I did not ever have the VSC calibration performed. It has been pretty well established that if you run the Toyota standard pressures on the door decal (35/33 psi) that the tires will wear pretty rapidly on the outer edges (underinflation wear pattern). I ran between 40 - 42 psi on the fronts and it still wore the outer edges faster than the center of the tread on the OEM tires. I think that you can allow them to set whatever pressure they want during alignment - it won't effect the readings much if at all.