I believe I saw a post that listed an after market source for the push pins that hold the bottom cover on the GenIII. I cant find it. When changing oil I found some pins that were missing and would like to replace them. Thanks for the help! Tom
I would think you should just get them from your dealer (???) - seems like a trivial part to go outsourcing...
I have seen replacement pins at a auto parts store. Just cant remember which one since I havent ever needed one. But it would be nice to know a different source. Anybody?
Here's one. You can get these online or at Checker/Kragen/Schucks auto parts stores. http://shop.oreillyauto.com/ProductList.aspx?CategoryCode=3541 But there are several types of retainers and screws that hold these covers on - so you may need to find out from the dealer what type they are, to know what to buy. Good luck!
No I don't see them there. NAPA has similar but not the same as Toyota used. NAPA was 8 for $4.50 so those are pricey! Thanks for the help. Im still looking. May have to go to the stealer.( I mean dealer.) Tom
It rakes 2 different sizes. Our Lowes has both size that have a metal screw in the center that can be easily reused. They are at the end of the bolts isle in to rack of pull out trays. I got them at Lowes because I broke one removing it to change oil and it a 2.5 hour trip to the closest Toyota dealer. Plus the ones at Lowes are better that the stock ones. I had to replace the ones in the trunk of my 02 around the battery as they broke years ago.