Running errands this morning and around the corner came this Barcelona Red 2010 Prius. It was beautiful. Before seeing the Red Prius, my color preferences were (in order) Black, Blue, Dark Gray. But now I think Red has jumped to #1. I'd love to see more picks of your red Prius, if you will post them.
"Red Rius" Sounds like Astro from The Jetsons. "Right Reorge!" Just thought it was funny. Not trying to poke fun.
Oops, my bad. The IT guy at work offered to get my a new keyboard, but I hated the idea of tossing the plastic in a landfill. Too many keys here that stick and cause me to poke instead of type.
I Love my Red 2010 pkg4 solar, go to PHOTO ALBUMS, page 18, REDWIND88, 7-14-09, PICTURES, to see my beauty with tan interior
By the way Green guy, I went to Newport RI for the first time this last July and fell in love with it. I am a long time sailor and racer and loved the waterfront and history. I was only there for 6 hours but will return.:rockon:
I took my '05 in for an oil change and saw the Barcelona red 2010 Rius sitting in the lot. I was planning to buy a Gen III sooner or later but, as soon as I saw it sitting there, I knew it had my name on it. It was mine an hour later. I love the color, especially now that it has a couple of coats of Zaino on it!
A few of mine - red was my first and only choice. I really really like it. Get a lot of compliments - sporty, etc. Of course I like the '10 in almost any color myself.
Here's a couple of mine from last week's Redwoods trip. My first choice was a blue -- but I am quite happy with the red now. Cheers, Ron
My new RED Prius is due Monday. I've been waiting a long time, it hardly seems real that it is almost here. tick, tick, tick....
I've been getting compliments since March '08 when I picked up my Bacelona Red Baby!!! It's THE HOT color!! Wait till you get a couple of coats of Megeuiers, and or Zaino on it.... It will really grab your attention then!!!
One more thing about Barcelona Red. People think it will show dirt like black or the Blue Ribbon. Not true. It hides the dirt quite well I went to the dealer one day, had rained the day before. There was a red and a blue, side by side. When I first looked, I figured they must have cleaned the red one. The blue had rain spots all over it. When I looked closer, the red one had spots too, just not visible from a distance. Of course, it looks incredible when clean. Especially for the red, I recommend getting rid of the blue badge, as pictured in my avatar. Here is mine, waiting to get it's custom settings:
I, like the original poster, like Black or Grey. I'm pretty conservative. However, everytime I see a red, or a picture I'm very impressed. I think it looks great. I especially like red with the bisque interior. I don't like the non-color coded spoilers on the 2010's but I think a red with the black spoiler looks good.
Totally out of date. Modern, metal flake, clear coated reds continue to look great. There are many gen II Barcelona red Prius owners who can attest to that.