One of our cats really likes plastic - in its foam form or in the rubber/bracelet form. She's chewed up dozens of those wrist bracelets you get at parties, etc. Livestrong bracelets don't have a chance against her. As soon as she chews through them, however, she's on to the next victim. Foam rubber is also high on her list. She just shreds it up and leaves a huge mess. Licking, though? Not so much.
Our cat has a thing about pens - she doesn't chew them, she just teases them off the table. Once they hit the floor, she is done with them. It's cute, watching that little paw reaching up, batting at the pen...
My cat loves foam plastics too. Anything foam in our house is covered with thousands of tiny holes from her little cat teeth. Tom
All of our cats love plastic. Especially plastic (shopping) bags. I recently found out that plastic shopping bags are coated with some kind of special oil. Cats love it. I try to not leave any plastic bags around for fear that one day one of our cats may get stuck in it and suffocate.
Hmm, now that's an interesting thought. I suppose the bags have the oil coating to keep them from fusing together. I hadn't thought about that, but it does make sense. As for one of your cats suffocating, I wouldn't worry about it. Mine always manages to get out and climb free of the trash can even when I use a really good twist tie. Tom
My dog eats plastic. And everything else she can sink her teeth into, if I'm not careful. Somehow the word omnivorous doesn't quite go far enough, as it usually applies only to food items. I snagged a cd from her yesterday just in time - only a couple of little teeth marks - and had to offer her a treat in trade for the bottle cap she caught on the first bounce. If she'd had her eyes open at the time, it likely wouldn't have even hit the floor.
I had a big orange cat who loved cardboard. He would chew the edges of boxes and sink his teeth into them. It sounds crazy, but you could just see how much he enjoyed it. Consequently, every box I had that I used to store my holiday decorations in had his mark on them. I used to say he was tasting the vintage of them just as one would when wine tasting. He lived to be 20 1/2 years old. I sure do miss that cat...
My GF's family had a cat that lived to about 22 or 23. I got to see it near the end and it would just shake for no apparent reason.
My aunt and uncle had a Maine Coon that lived into his early 20s. They tell me I cornered him once when he was a kitten and I was a small child, and apparently he never forgot. I'm pretty sure that's the only animal that's ever bitten me and meant it.