I don't see many Prii in the South Jersey Philly suburbs, and those I do seem more often to be driven by people with white hair (like mine). My take on the chat members' posted ages seems to be more youthful. How about a poll on the ages of Prius drivers in different regions?
I'm 55 and have had my Prius since March 20th of this year. Thus far, 4500 miles on it and I'm averaging about 50.1 mpg on it. I live in RI and drive about 45 miles daily to and from work. Part Interstate, part state highway. It is certainly different than my '85 fully-loaded Firebird that has been garaged for 10 years. (Only 52,000 miles on it.) I had two RAV4s, a '97 and an '04, before the Prius. They were fantastic, but with only 22 mph, it was getting a trifle costly. As people ask about the Prius, I can best describe it as a computer on wheels. (And, yes, I am a technology geek!) I got what I recall was the model 6(?); it's fully loaded and with the addition of an XM Radio from Coastal Tech, it is a pleasure to drive. Finally in the 3 months I have had it, I have only seen 16 other Prii in RI, MA, CT, and NH. Yes, I do keep count!
45 years young: Austin, Tx: geek/nerd: Staff Programmer: have two dachshunds. Prius: 2004 bought Nov 13, 2003, pkg 3 (bc): 20000+ miles on odo ( had 4 on pickup)... no problems so far: Got for 1000 under MSRP in Ca... yes I drove from tx to ca to get the car. Options: XM radio, rubber floor mats, and soon EV switch.
It's easy! At a recent Prius meetup, everyone was younger than I (47). Younger than yourself, that may be tricky...at some point, would-be owners are still saving up. The Prius teaches us about many forms of saving.
<--26 here! For the most part, the Prius drivers I see around here are older people. Not one of them has waved back at me either. :x Guess the friendly wave is something thats not known to the Prius demographic. :roll: I did see a young girl driving on the other day. She looked kind of cute too. :naughty:
I'm going to venture that less younger males own Prius's than younger females. Let's face it, most younger guys think the Prius is a "chick" or "ultra-liberal-granola-eating" type car... If done right, this would make an interesting poll... hint, HINT... :mrgreen:
I'm only 22...I bought my Prius last month as a college graduation present to myself (it sure seems like a present now, but I have 6 years of payments to get over how amazing the car is). One more thing - I don't see this as a "chick" or "ultra-liberal" type car...although my new job does focus on a number of progressive causes (one of the largest of course is the environment), I bought this car because of its super low emissions - the mileage is a nice side-effect though. There is no other car on the market that could make such a statement, no matter how environmental the driver is, as it proves that you can have comfort and safety without sacrificing efficiency and social responsibility. Just my take on things...
I am 47, and I wave to EVERY '04/'05 Prius I see. I have NOT seen anyone that looks younger than me. My family hates it when I wave. And they teas me for driving an old man's car. I make a big show out of waving at other Prius' just to annoy them!
26 - Vancouver I'll have to keep my eye out for you, Tideland. I have seen a few Prius IIs around. 3 or 4 silver ones, 2 white ones, 2 black ones, a blue one, but so far no tideland pearls except mine. I'm sure the day I spot a tideland pearl, it'll probably be you All the young people in Vancouver seem to be driving "sporty"-type cars, though as all the people I've seen driving the Prius have looked mid 30s or older