Problem car

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by tomfreed, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I checked the wiring from mg2 2 pins connector to the ecm and it was good. The other multiple pins connectori have not. I have P3120 with ECM control module as shown on the Autoenginuity. Are you saying i should hack it to isolate the problem instead of getting another ECM?
  2. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    You got confused! Those three's were not all come from the same car. I was a used car dealer and i had multiple Prius with different problem. I had bad tranny from LKQ where i bought so as doing the job 6 times in and out.

    Bob Wilson gave me another pins to check and way to hack to isolate the problem so i am going to try that. Yesterday i got under the car and pulled the cable harness out and examined closely. Look good though! I am going try what Bob suggested if not i will order an ECM from LKQ. I spent thousand of dollars for parts for this car with them so i think they would allow me to return the ECM if the problem is still the same. That would tell me for sure it is not the ECM and somewhere else.

    I am not too close to any qualified repair shop and i already took to the damn dealer twice already for diagnostic and so far the result they gave me did not fix the car. Those guys told me i did more tranny swap than they did. I am not impressed with dealer.
  3. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    The 'hack' is cheap and quick and might give you an early indication. Certainly it is OK with power off to measure the resistance of the transaxle thermistor pins w/o the ECU plugged in. If you see 1-3k ohm, it should be OK. If it is open, then determine if it is at the transaxle or in the wiring. ... That is the approach I'd take.

    The 1k ohm resistor looks like a 'cold' thermistor. If you jumpered it or put say a 100 ohm resistor in parallel, the ECU should see it as if the transaxle is 'burning up' and should throw a different code when you first start the car. This allows you to know the ECU was measuring the resistance.

    Another approach, the Graham miniscanner has the ability to read out MG1 and MG2 temperatures. You might check your scanner to see if there is a similar function. If one read 'stone cold' and the other say 10-15C (ambient,) then you'll have a positive indication of where the problem lies.

    Bob Wilson
  4. yardman 49

    yardman 49 Active Member

    Mar 26, 2009
    Northern Kentucky
    2009 Prius
    Hello Tomfreed:

    I guess I can give you credit for being "brave" enough to tackle the problems that you've been having. But there's an old saying, something to the effect that "you know just enough to be dangerous". :(

    As you may be discovering, the Prius is not the kind of car that a "backyard" mechanic can fix easily. Not that it's impossible (some talented individuals have successfully replaced the PSD, for instance), but it would seem to me that it would be far better for you to read up on the inner workings of the car, and then try to perform diagnosis, rather than trying to learn as you go.

    In my line of work I troubleshoot some very sophisticated laboratory equipment, and I've seen the results of users (and inexperienced service engineers) trying to "wing it" and fix things that they are not trained on. It's usually not pretty, and often they miss the real source of the problems (and create new ones) in the process. Possibly you've fallen into this same trap?

    Although I've had to "learn as I go" in some situations (in cases where no one else knows the answers either), I've learned over the years to first go talk with our R&D engineers when trying to work on something that is complex and unfamiliar.

    I know that this is all "water under the bridge" in your circumstance, but I just wanted to point out the obvious to you.

    Maybe you'd be better off selling the Prii for parts and at least recoup some of your loss.

    Anyway, that's my two cents.
  5. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Can i have a connector pin layouts for mg1 and mg2 so i can measure the resistance? I recollect the A.enginuity i have can scan for mg temperature. I will look into this. Great info. Bob thanks a million even though it has not been fixed yet:rockon:
  6. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Oh believe me i already knew this but you see I already shot an arrow i have to follow it. I am close i can feel it. Well i know for certain if i have a factory repair manual and a good diagnostic tool it would make a big difference. Dealer they have this luxury since they have factory training and proper tool and document. I know for the fact that they are no smarter than the rest of us especially the brain power at this forum. Heck I took the car there twice already to have it scanned last year and not that the car still was not fixed i had a big fight with those bastards.

    I fixed couple Prius successfully but these two 01 and 03 were stubborn and costly to fix and time consuming.
  7. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    I'll try to get all the connectors and all pins late this evening. I don't have my manuals handy right now. I had posted the connector names and the pins for the thermistors earlier.

    Bob Wilson
  8. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Now i am getting somewhere

    Don't worry about the pin layout Bob I figured it out from the wiring color code. I got something today. First i start up the car and samething that is it ran for awhile then shut down with code P3120. It is confirmed that my scanner can read MG temp. and bunch of other functions see attachment. MG1 shows reading MG2 is flat nothing. I reset code and hooked up the 1k across MG2 sender end. Code wouldn't reset and i got the engine to run with same flat dead reading. I then hook up the 1k across ECM connector end and same thing dead!!!!! MG1 does show reading.

    I went to the 03 Prius that has different code and pull the reading for MG1 and 2 temp. Both got reading;).

    I am concluding that the wiring and sensor are not the problem on the 01 and it is the ECM. I recollect this is the only thing i had not replaced on this car for the hybrid portion from last year repair. I did tried to replaced it with different year ECM and ended up with not fixing it. I wasted my money as they would not allow me to return it so i got pissed off and left the car unrepaired for a year now. I did sent the pictures of the ECM on previous posting but did not get anything back from you. Basically the car won't start with those other two ECM'S.

    The question is this: is ECM interchangeable or does it have to be the same year for it to work?

    Can you give me your expert opinion before i plunge some money to get the correct ECM? Thanks Bob. Thanks to your help now i am getting somewhere and hopefully i don't have to do a tranny again:(

    Attached Files:

  9. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Re: Now i am getting somewhere

    Progress! You're doing the work, I'm just a bystander (with the book. <grins> )

    Patrick Wong is the expert in ECM versions but I strongly suspect a more recent ECM will work perfectly and give you the advantage of all software fixes that were done over the years. Patrick may have some recommendations on other, more affordable sources.

    Not to worry, I think Orangeboy might be interested in one of your 'spare' trannies.

    Bob Wilson
  10. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Tom is talking about the "ECM" which is aka the engine ECU. However, his pictures are of the hybrid vehicle ECU. If any ECU is at fault, it probably is the HV ECU, not the engine ECU. However its not obvious to me that the HV ECU is the issue here.

    Here's the full list of HV ECUs that should work on 2001 models:

    89981-47062 was specified as the correct replacement part in TSB EG021-02 for 2001 and 2002 models that logged certain fault codes.

    Since there are so many cars under discussion and so many transaxles in the photos, I'm a bit confused about what Tom has done on the 2001. I understand the DTC is P3120.

    - Did that car suffer a front-end collision?
    - Has the transaxle been replaced yet?
    - If yes, how many times was it replaced?
    - How do you know the replacement is good?

    I think that Tom has done all that could be done given his access to diagnostic tools, and the time has come to seek help from a competent Toyota dealer, Art's Automotive or Luscious Garage.
  11. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid

    Yep this is a complicated, time consuming, heartache and costly cars for me. It is confusing because i have two 01 and 03 with different codes and the 01 i have been monkeying on since last year with $3k already sunk in it. At this point i am concentrating to get the 01 fixes first.

    Bob puts a flash bulb in my head as far as the code P3120 goes. If you read my post carefully i clearly said that i got reading for mg1 temp. and no reading for mg2 temp on my scanner. Quick hack with the 1k resistor did the same thing no reading on both end at the tranny side and HV ECM side. I am talking about the HV ECM that is located at the passenger foot well not the engine ECM. If this is not the HV ECM i do not know what else is; purely deductive logical reasoning!

    To confirm further that i should get for mg1 and mg2 temp. reading i went to the 03 car and sure enough i got those readings upon starting up that car.

    My logic is this. If i get no reading with everything connected and I still get no reading with the 1k resistor shouldn't that point out that the ecm is bad. Beside this is the only thing i have not replaced. I have found the same part number for the 01 HV ECM on Ebay but i will try to get it from LKQ locally first since i know i can return it if i need to. I already spent $200 last year on one of the ECM from them and not failing return in time now i ended up with one and wasted my money. Like i posted previously putting the different HV ECM part number in there resulted in the car not able to start but the console does lit up.

    What else is there to work on the hybrid side now i only have one code left and it was determined no reading for mg2 comes out of the ECM. It is impractical and insulted to me to suggest that i seek outside help beside what i found here. They are just going to find the same thing and tell me to replace the ecm and i have to doll out money to tow the car 100 miles away to the shop and 100 miles back.

    I replaced the battery pack, cleared that code. I replaced the inverter, cleared that code. I replaced the tranny, cleared that code. HV ECM I did not replace. You tell me are there anything else major related to the hybrid portion that i missed? I think not. I posted previously but you probably had missed. When i bought this damn car at dealer auction I discovered bolts lying loosely inside the inverter:mad: Some body had f. around this car, did not know what the hell he was working on and then dumped this car at dealer auction. I am not wondering why the HV ECM would have failed:confused:

    Anwer to your questions:

    - Did that car suffer a front-end collision? no, never
    - Has the transaxle been replaced yet? yep by me 3 times
    - If yes, how many times was it replaced? 3 times
    - How do you know the replacement is good? no code came out after the 3rd replacement

    I am going to order the hv ecm today and clarify with the dealer on the part number. I don't buy that other than 01 HV ECM will work on this car because i had two of them that i plugged in resulted in the car that will not start.
  12. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Re: Now i am getting somewhere


    You still have not agreed with me that i have a bad hv ecm with what i found on the scanner reading and the hacking?


    Are you interested in the three trannies i have?
  13. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid

    Here's the full list of HV ECUs that should work on 2001 models:

    89981-47062 was specified as the correct replacement part in TSB EG021-02 for 2001 and 2002 models that logged certain fault codes.


    The 03 I have has XXXXXX062 on the HV ECM. According to your info. that should work but you mentioned for 01 and 02 model. If you go back to page 3 posting here you will find the pictures i sent and what i notated on each ecm, also the paper from the dealer print out clearly showed all compatible part number for this 01 should work. In reality is this. The only thing that works is the original one that ends with xxxx40 that came with the car when i bought it.

    I am really confused! My 01 has XXX40 ECM and 03 has xxxx62 ECM. I plugged in the compatible one to the 01 and the car would not start?????
  14. Patrick Wong

    Patrick Wong DIY Enthusiast

    Mar 8, 2008
    Green Valley, AZ
    2015 Prius
    Hi Tom,

    First of all, there's no intention to insult you. Its obvious that you've spent a tremendous amount of time and effort on this problem.

    When the XXX40 hybrid vehicle ECU is installed in your 2001, you say that it will run for around 5 minutes. During that 5 minute window, can you drive the car?

    If so, does it exhibit any driveability symptoms like unusual noise, being unresponsive to the accelerator pedal etc.? If the car demonstrates any of those symptoms that may indicate that your third transaxle is still bad.

    If you are able to drive the car without problem for that 5 minute period then I would agree that it is reasonable to replace the HV ECU since you've run out of other things to try.

    The later revision ECUs in principle should work with your 2001. You ask why they don't allow the car to run for 5 minutes. Maybe their diagnostic procedures are different so that they register an error code immediately, and refuse to allow the drivetrain to operate, who knows.

    Regarding the measurement of MG temp, I'm not sure that your findings prove that the ECU is bad as we don't know the logic that it uses to measure and report. In any event, it sounds like you want to invest in another XXX40 ECU; good luck with that.
  15. orange4boy

    orange4boy Member

    Oct 20, 2009
    Vancouver BC
    2003 Prius
    Perhaps. I'm going to try to find one locally first. I'd rather drive to get one than have it shipped. Having said that it might be reasonable to have it shipped from California. I'll look into that.

    PM me with a price. I only need one for now, preferably 2003 and/or lowest mileage.

    Does anyone know the weight of one of these beasts?

    Go tomfreed go!:cheer2:

    By the way, did you ever try to check the windings on any of those transaxles with an ohm meter to see if the windings are good?
  16. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Well thank you for the cheer. I could use it right now with two dead Prius on hand. I thought you were in the state but you are my up North neighbor Canada. I don't know what you need as far as part but i think with three trannies 01-02 i believe at least i can use some good part out of the three. I do not think there is one good completely out three so you have to part it out. Heck i sell dirt cheap for you for the part you need. I am not going to haul them to Fl anyway. By the way i have found the house in FL finally after months of agonizing and stressing. I bought it online using the local realtor. I just love the internet:).I should be out of Ca by end of the year so start fresh new year in Fl :D

    I sure did ohms it out of the mg2 winding, 62k to be exact and no short to ground so it is okay. Read my next posting to Bob regarding what i found yesterday on the 01 so i don't have to elaborate the detail twice.
  17. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Patrick and Bob the two experts that have been helping me!

    I drove to the Toyota dealer yesterday to discuss the two scans i paid last year for my 01. I verified with part about the part number for the HV ECM and learned the month/year for each particular part number. Now i understood clearly. Patrick info. is correct for the part number for the HV ECM. I then went to talk to the Prius tech. and he agreed with me that i did all i could and it sounded like the HV ECM needs to go.

    I went home taking the xxxx62 ECM of the 03 and put in the 01. Crap samething it would not start same as the XXX60 and xxxx63. All part number xxx40, xxx60 to 62 should be compatible with the 01 Prius according to dealer info. and Patrick info. In reality it is not! I am confirming that the car will not start with XXXX60-62. The only one that starts the car is the original one xxxx40. As soon as i am finishing posting i will go to Ebay and order one on Ebay. I found it the other day for about $125 and he allows me to return if doesn't work. If anyone knows any differently with the hv ecm please let me know.

    I have enough of this i am going to buy the original hv ecm for the 01 then go from there. I am working on the 03 next. I get to fix these two monsters so i can sell them and move to Fl by the end of the year.
  18. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    I appreciate that you don't insult me and you are right i did and still invest a lot of time and effort into fixing the 01 Prius. If that was not enough now i have a dead 03 too:mad:

    I have not driven the car during the 5 min. when there is no error but i will go try now. I tried before after 5 min running in the garage and my excitement died as soon as i pulled out of the garage and the dead triangle warning and CEL came on. Isn't it obvious just like Bob suggested that with a bad ecm i will not have any value coming out of the mg2 when i scan before and after i disconnect the mg2 connector tranny end and even with the 1k hack it is just dead. Scan the 03 mg1 and 2 temp. i got reading immediately. I am going to buy the HV ECM and i am going to get the original one as that is the only one that the car will start with. What else is there to do as this is the only thing i have not replaced and scanning confirmed nothing coming out of mg2 reading?
  19. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid
    Ok guys and gals if there are any gals at this forum:D

    I just bid and paid for the HV ECM that ends with xxxx40 for the 01 Prius on Ebay for $100. The guy allows me to return if it doesn't work and he is in Southern Ca just below me in Northern Ca. Cross my finger when it gets here next week for it to work. I pray that it will fix the car as i run out of time, patience, money, energy for this stubborn 01 dead Prius i bought and fixed since last year. Long story on why i did the work myself!

    Wish me luck as i need it guys and gals:eek: I will post on its progress. Now it is time for me to go crack and fix the codes for the 03. I have multiple on this sucker:mad:
  20. tomfreed

    tomfreed Junior Member

    Jul 4, 2009
    Modesto, Ca
    Other Non-Hybrid

    While waiting for the part i went to fix the 03 problem. I got it fixed today and i couldn't be happier. One left to go.

    I got the hv ecm came in today. I hooked it up and samething that is won't start but dash lights all came on. I drove to the dealer talking to the tech. that scanned this car last year. He told me there might be no communication between the ecu and the vehicle due to the mobilizer (alarm i believe). He told me to jump pin 4 and 13 OBD2 connector and turn key on and leave it there for 30 min. Car should start. No luck.:(

    Also it is confirmed the hv ecm since i was able to drive for about 5 min. without code came on. Once it came on still the same p3120 HV ECM as subcode. By the way the ecm that came in today that i bought i did have the mg1 and 2 signals when i scanned but won't start the car. The bad one does start the car but does not have the mg2 signal.

    My question is this. It is at this point no doubt it is the hv ecm. My problem is all compatible hv ecm that i have xxxx60, 62, 40 gave me dash lights but won't start the car and they all have mg1 and mg2 signals when i scan. WHAT IS THE WAY TO DO TO GET THE REPLACEMENT HV ECM TO COMMUNICATE WITH THE CAR FOR IT TO START?