I am waiting for my 2010 V with Advanced Tech. I didn't specify the iPod adaptor, but am I correct in that all newer vehicles with Nav should have that standard? Can you control playlists and such from the main controls?
Yes, it is standard on all newer models with navigation, but don't get too excited. I was really looking forward to finally having an ipod interface in my car but after using the one on my 2010 Prius IV w/ Nav, I've pretty much resigned myself to using the aux. jack instead. The factory interface is so slow, clumsy and poorly programmed (as reported elsewhere in this forum) that it's just not worth it. The scrolling alone is enough to make you crazy (i.e. loading by page and always interrupting what's playing to start playing the top song on the new page). I've never made it past the "C's" on my ipod before i rip it off the usb cord and plug it into the aux jack. It's really a travesty that we were charged more for a car to have this lame of an interface installed. I've reported this to the Toyota 800 number and I urge everyone else who is tortured by this to do the same. Otherwise, I really do love this car.
Since it sounds like the interface is so bad, has anyone had luck with the iPhone 3G streaming the music via bluetooth? I don't have the new S, but last year's iPhone 3G. Will that work? I would think that phone should work fine with the bluetooth for hands free, right?
I too can attest that the OEM kit is a POS! My biggest complaints are the interruption of what is playing while you scroll, as well as the NAV unit only recognizes the iPod being connect about 30% of the time. With that being said, I am constantly having to unplug and replug the iPod back into the connector in order to get the integration kit to recognize it. What a pain in my a$$!