Yes! Then your dog is gonna be all like "I’ve had enough of these mother f****ing snakes, on this mother f***ing plane!" and then he's going to ask you about what they call a quarter pounder with cheese in France.
On the bright side maybe she'll get free Samuel L. Jackson beer! Language Warning! [ame=""]Dave Chapelle: Samuel L. Jackson's Video by Jamaal - MySpace Video@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Actually: the dog is small, so how 'bout Lil' Jon? Training your dog will be like: You: Lil' Jon, sit. Dog: WHAT?!?!?!? You: Lil' Jon, sit! Dog: O-KAY!!!!!! You: good boy! Dog: YEAH!!!!!!!!
What about Rick James, b!tch*? :madgrin: *Not intending to really call anyone here a b!tch. :madgrin:
Congrats on the new baby! How about "Maple" for a name? Surprised HYO didn't suggest that since he's from Canada.
I'd say a sugar or honey bear. How about: Ursa -- Latin, bear (Ursa Major, aka Big Dipper, points to the North Star, symbolic for "the right direction;" freedom; a new, better life; etc.) On a lighter note: Yogi -- Who was "Smarter than the average bear." BooBoo -- His Little Buddy
I haven't been ignoring you 'puter blew up and I didn't have the time to sit and yak with customer support with...(wait for it)... TEDDY in [ame=""]TeddyBoy[/ame]* (for when he's tough), Teddy Bear (for when he's not, and because of what he looks like now), Edward (not [ame=""]Theodore Edward[/ame]*) Bear (for when he's being dignified, and because of Winnie-the-Pooh), Poo(h/dle)-bear, Poo(ditto)-dog, and [ame=""]Ted Williams[/ame]* (because he likes to play ball). I know someone here suggested Ted early on (I forget who, and TeddyBoy won't let me sit here much longer and I forgot to mark the posts...) (BTW, yes, I knew Poipu is a beach on Kauai--someone suggested using the name of my fave beach, and I was explaining why that wouldn't work...) Thank you all so much for playing. You guys are THE BEST. :rockon::cheer2::bounce::rapture::grouphug::first::high5::clap2: You really helped my decision-making process and clarified my thinking. Teddy was an early contender, but I had to think about what else was around before committing! HOORAY! (*Please ignore the Wikipedia "W"s here--I can't seem to get rid of 'em with any kinda editing, and I don't know why it's only on 3 of the 4 links...)
Congrats on the new family member! He is adorable! I completely understand about the Eureka moment, Many folks helped me with Ju Ju's name, and it took quite a while to come up with it, but when I did, I just knew it was right. She is now three, the light of my life, and there could not possibly be a better name for her. May you and Teddy have many years of joy together! Sam
HEY! There was no "settling" about it! We had to work and get to know each other! HE proclaimed himself TEDDY--I just had to be around to HEAR it!!!! BE NICE, Hyo! I needed help to frame the debate! After four days, he just wouldn't FIT any of the other names--what could I do? And he spent today proving himself as TEDDYBOY, by whuppin' the butt of my sister's 18-month-old, 12lb Chihuahua. Loki is DEFINITELY puppy-whipped. Thank you, Sam & dipena, for understanding! I'll post more pics as soon as Teddy gives me a little time to upload them from my camera!