GDP Rises 3.5% Recovery On: GDP Jumps, Jobless Claims Move Lower - Economy * US * News * Story -
I'd say it's too early to declare it finished (after all, we needed the economy to recede several quarters in a row according to several different ways of measuring it before people would finally admit we were in a recession), but it is a very promising sign. Who wants to bet the Neocons won't attribute this rebound to anything Obama had a hand in?
Tell That To All The People Out Of Work or The People With Homes In Forclosure. Here in Upstate NY many people are in this boat.
lol... omg. 1 in 10 are out of work which is actually NOT TRUE. if we add in 1) people who have given up looking 2) people who took part time jobs and a much much lower pay just to "stay busy" it now make 1 in 6 out of work or unemployed. the economy is not strong enough nor do the 5 in 6 that are working make enough extra to support them OR PAY OUR FEDERAL INTEREST ON OUR DEFICIT
"Recession may be over " ......for Wall Street. At least things are going in the right direction though. If markets continue to go up, jobs won't be far behind. Much better than the prospects we were facing last fall.
I want to believe the recession is over ...... but I have my doubts. My Son is out of work and cannot find anything. Believe me, I am hopeful, and want to be positive ... want Darwood is be right about being better. I see where the Associated Press is questioning the administrations statistics about the beneifts from the stimulous. The AP reports that one community didn't hire anyone, instead gave a bonus with the money. I have not done the math, but if you divide $787 Billion by the number of jobs, even the administration claims ... you will find each job cost us 100's million dollars each? Just wait until health care cost hit us all ... and shouild cap and trade survive .... we have not see the bottom yet.
Keep in mind Felt that only a fraction of those billions has actually been spent thus far... the rest is still in process.
everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts i'm going to stick to opinion here i think this beauty is just getting started, and my business is a virtual sh!tbath a lot of seven figure earners are pulling in ZERO ... goose egg, and it's just as bad down the line you can bandy about words like neocon and obama this and obama that ... but people are suffering, that that smug bullsh!t is unbecoming of folks i presumed intelligent based solely on their forward thinking choice in transportation maybe i presumed too much
Well ... ignoring the observation that we're hangin' out on a Prius forum, any suggestions on what's more important to think about in the near term to best benefit the long term? . I'll throw this one out for starters: way less tolerance of wasteful behavior, including on our roads which have themselves become their own kind of sh!tbath in the last decade... . _H*
They are predicting a "jobless recovery," whenever the recovery actually begins. There are still a lot of mergers and buy-outs going on in various sectors, and employers seem to be keeping their payrolls smaller, even when business is improving. While it's not as dramatic as it was several months ago, I have friends whose factories are closing and others whose companies were recently bought out. I am disappointed that there is not more new job creation, especially in green industries. I hope that is coming.
The Recession is not over The numbers are skewed... The recession isn't turning around yet... we see the numbers in revenue to the State... it ain't coming up... More folks with what used to be a sizable taxable income are getting nada. And the moonbats in CONgress just keep spending more money they don't have... You can believe the spoon-fed pablum if you choose, there are lots of folks with you in the near-reality boat, but you cannot deny the facts of the continuing down-slide as evidenced by the States budgets... unless, you're mentally challenged yet fully believing the story-line put out by the information office and/or a general obamaramadingdong supporter. I know the empty suit is lying... with this administration (and many of those before) it's the job of the suit to lie and try to make you feel good while they screw you... the face in the empty suit is doing that job well... just not good enough to hide the facts from those that don't get all their information from HIS place.