So, Zim-dog-wee is getting closer? Sorry, the coffee's taking longer than usual today, and I'm not fully awake yet - probably won't be until sometime tomorrow. But I'll keep thinking. Just FYI, I named our blue heeler Zuli, short for 'Rufous Lickus Lazulius', derived from 'Lapis Lazuli', which is an intense blue-coloured gemstone. She's definitely living up to her name, and it even sounds vaguely Australian. Hopefully, divulging this information won't get me kicked out of the contest. So, no exes, not a riff on Rufaro, not African...something dognified, with a twist. No, I'm not saying you're fussy - I understand the significance of the process.
BINGO! (Excalamation, not name.) (and it is no contest, as there is no prize--I'm fresh out of WeePris, except for my own personal few...I don't even have the mod you promised me!)
This may get me kicked out of the contest but I'm thinking "Peanut" for the little guy. Goes w/ his color too.
There is NO kicking going on here--ALL suggestions are received with gratitude...which, concidentally, is also the prize to be given to the eventual winner! (And Peanut was an early discard--insufficient gravitas! However, it is likely to be one of his ongoing nicknames, whatever his "real" name turns out to be.) I found this great collection of dog quotes while using hoping for names, but this is fun, too!
How nice to have a new member of the family. Like all new puppies, he's exceptionally cute. Congratulations! Here's my 3 picks - Piper - for Piper Champagne (the puppy is light in color). (However, I do have a male Tonkinese champagne colored cat named Piper ... so I am a little biased ... but I'm very happy to share ) Remy or Remi - for Remy Martin (a champagne brandy, cognac; another color reference) Keitaro - means 'blessed' in Japanese
I'm getting REALLY punchy now...And I'm sure you're all getting ENTIRELY fed up with me...but anyway...Here's more of the story...I met little Almost-Widget's sister at Services on Friday night, so now I'm thinking maybe a Hebrew or Yiddish name. And it can't be any variant of Benjamin, as I have a nephew called Bennett, and 2 Bens in the family is probably one too many. (Bennett was named after my grandfather, who was named Bernard, but called Ben, and he had a brother who was name Benjamin but called Bernie. Don't ask.) I'm Googling all kinds of name generators until my fingers are almost bloody stumps, and my eyeballs are falling out. Almost-Gizmo is NOT enjoying how much time I am spending typing and not playing! I need a EUREKA moment!!!!:mmph:
Ahead of you there. MazelToy? MuzzleTov? GoyBoy? DogGoy? Mitzy? (from bark mitzvah) Chien-ukah? Tisha? Simka? Sleep on it. It'll come to you. Just don't forget to write it down before you go back to sleep.
well, he kinda looks like a "chuck" to me. i can't explain where that came from, i just looked at the picture. congrats on the new puppy! hyo, we had a wonderful little blue heeler at the family farm when i was younger. the best dog ever. did not walk, only ran.
Yeah, they're pretty high energy, alright. And smart, loyal, tough...I thought after raising two humans, a dog would be easy. But she's worth it. I need more playtime anyway. Samiam has one, too. He says they're either full-on or off, nothing in between.
Enzo But be aware it's also the name of the dog in a recent book, "The Art of Racing in the Rain". Poipu is the name of a beach on Kauai, wasn't sure if you knew or not.
Enzo is also the name of a ReBoot character, and is strongly associated with Ferrari. As a dog's name, it sounds very close to No, which might be confusing for him.
When I adopted Dingo, her original name on the paperwork from the SPCA was Nova. No, Nova, No. You can call them whatever you want, as long as you treat them well they will respond. I usually call Dingo sweetheart or snugglebug.
I can't believe I missed this thread (I haven't been around much, though). Congratulations on the adorable puppy. How about Ignatz? Frankie?