Looks like I need new CV joints probably both sides on my 04 Prius.. I have had 2 different quotes on prices and work, one quoted me for cv joints and labour only, and the other quoted for driveshaft and joints and labour saying you have to replace driveshaft too.... Which one is correct as there is a hell of a big difference in the price!!! Ann Marie
Well, it is possible to install new joints on the existing driveshaft. If labor rates are inexpensive in your area while new parts prices are high, then it might make sense to have that done. In the US, parts prices are relatively inexpensive so it would be reasonable to install new driveshafts. For example: Champion ToyotaWorld Compare to the joint prices here. Note the outer joints actually cost more than the entire driveshaft assembly: Champion ToyotaWorld and Champion ToyotaWorld
I finally have my car back on the road and running again!! Had to get the CV joints reconditioned... ended up costing £300... Am very happy to be back on the road at last!!!
Not sure how they recondition them, but it can be done, mine were taken off the car, sent off, reconditioned, sent back and put back on car... its works lovely now My husband says that the joint is made of 2 parts so should be able to be reconditoned ... (i have no idea how it works myself) Ann Marie