As someone who is committed to walking the earth lightly, I drive a hybrid car. What's exciting is that there is now a practical alternative out there for people, enabling them to make a difference without sacrificing their lifestyles. Consumers can now choose from sub-compacts like the Prius and Civic Hybrid, to SUVs like the Ford Escape and Lexus RX Hybrid. Regardless of what you think about SUVs, this is still a move in the right direction. People want to buy cars that suit their lifestyle choices, and they now have options that will significantly boost their MPG, whatever their lifestyle choice is. This is a good thing on many levels: 1. A win for the environment. Increasing vehicle fuel efficiency to 40 mpg would result in a drastic cut in carbon dioxide emissions. Hybrid technology is a step in the right direction and is available to us now. If we wait for the government or auto manufacturers to lead us in the right direction, we will be waiting a very long time. 2. A win for the country. Reducing the consumption of gasoline will reduce our dependance on foreign oil. The Natural Resources Defense Council states that increasing the fuel efficiency of vehicles to 40 mpg would result in a savings of 4 million barrels of oil every day, which is more than we import from the Persian Gulf. That means less tax money going to the oil industry, the military to fight wars over oil, and to prop up corrupt regimes. 3. A win for the consumer. Less money out of our pockets at the gas pump. Hybrid car owners can expect to save $2000 in gas over the life of their vehicles. 4. A win for the car companies. A whole new market to sell new cars into. Consumer demand is what's driving the auto manufacturers to build these cars, and it is going to be increased consumer demand that will turn this currently niche market into a major market. The bigger the market, the more choices we'll have, the lower the prices will become. And it's going to be driven by us, the consumer. Power to the people, baby. I get a lot of people on the street asking me about my Prius. People are interested, but are not informed enough about these cars to seriously consider buying one. There are a lot of people out there that are genuinely concerned about the environment and global warming, and also want a car that fits their lifestyle. So this has inspired me to create a new organization. I call it: Hybrid USA Hybrid USA is an educational campaign that seeks to inform the public about hybrid vehicles. The goal is to remove the mystery or misconceptions about these cars so they can make an educated choice about their next car purchase. The strategy for doing this is through an informative web site, advertising, and direct contact with consumers. My idea is to put on community events where current hybrid vehicle drivers meet and caravan to a public community venue where people can see the cars and talk to owners. Regular people talking to regular people. I envision printing up bumper stickers and T-shirts for participants, flyers and pamphlets for passers-by, and a line up of a variety of clean, hybrid cars. My plan is to seek corporate sponsorship to cover the hard costs of putting on these events and for the promotional materials. Turning Ideas into Action At this point, what I'm seeking are people who are inspired by the possibilities of making a positive change in the world. If you are tired of governmental inaction on the environment and want to affect change from the ground up, if you love your country and want to contribute in an effective way that doesn't involve violence, here's an opportunity. You can participate in the community events themselves, in organizing and planning the events, or in any other way you can. This project can use people who have talents in marketing, advertising, graphic design, web site development, printing, event creation, etc. If you are interested or have any comments or ideas you'd like to share, please contact me directly. My email address is "[email protected]". Who Am I? My name is Phil Zakhour and I'm just a guy who is inspired by the possibility of regular people, in community, creating positive change. I'm a proud owner of a 2005 Toyota Prius who's not into making people wrong for the choices they make. I am into giving people what they need to make informed choices and to expanding their options. I have no financial interest in this project. As a citizen who loves his country, I have a vested interest in the success of this project. My ultimate goal is no less than the reversal of global warming and reducing our country's dependance on foreign oil. Who wants to play? [email protected]
I read the whole thing, and the idea eludes to something cool, but I'm still a little foggy on the proposal myself? Care to elaborate more? Thanks Dave.
My apologies for the long post. I'm creating a project to educate the public about hybrid vehicles. This will be acheived through community events that bring hybrid drivers in direct contact with the public, associated promotional materials, advertising and a web-site to tie it all together. I'm looking for people who are passionate about the environment and see the availability of hybrid technology as an opportunity to make a practical change for the better. If you are as excited about the possibility of making a difference as I am, let me know. I can use all the help I can get to create this project. Hybrid USA is going to be realized by regular people like you and me.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"100492)</div> I only got through the first line (I must have ADD or something)
OK, now we have the vision. So, in single sentences in bullet format, what are your ideas? Or do you not have any and that is what you are asking for?
Funny - I have/had a hard time grasping it too. But then I didn't take the time really to read it. TOOOO many words. Anyhoo does it matter if my husband represents Florida Power & Light in their bids for more power plants? But hey I drive a prius - doesn't that offset SOME of that?
hahaha so does this mean Prius owners are lazy ADD people. You have peaked my interest. What is involved?
Phil, While one can affirm your zeal and ideals (izealist?), my personal recommendation would be to get into the political system, legal profession, or business realm. The better off position within these formats more people like yourself can climb, the better off your positive agenda can take affect. While it is a great thing, imo, to sell bumper stickers, hand out pamphlets and hold rallies, it takes good old supply and demand - in most cases - to make the deal real. Denmark winning major contracts in Vietnam selling superior Wind-turbine technology is one example. State of Nevada investigating feasibility of massive Solar power sites is another. And You, me and all the other regular joes buying Prii (for various reasons, but mostly because we are compelled by our individual demand and satisfied with the supply) are small, collective steps forward likewise. (not to mentions the reason we're meeting here typing msgs to each other) So excuse my rambling on here, hehe, but I can only encourage you to get to work - if this is truly your calling in career - develop your skills and apply yourself along with the millions of others in implementing the physical transformation going on today around the globe! p.s., regarding Hybrids and USA... Growth industry, baby.. ya mon!
Thanks to everyone for responding. I've got lots of ideas: - Community Events. A group of hybrid owners meet in a public place and share their experience with the public. - Advertising: Let's put out some real accurate information to dispel a lot of misinformation that's out there. - Web Site: This ties it all together. The page will have information about hybrid technology, the cars available, links to other sites (such as this and and a calendar of events. The goal here is to turn ideas into action. I would like to get a group of committed individuals to commit to this effort. If I can get a core group together, then I can go to the car companies and solicit sponsorship. Then we go from there. The first event will be in the San Francisco Bay Area. I will need local drivers to participate in that event. Then we'll branch out to other areas as we build the effort. If you're not in the Bay Area, you can still help. You can submit ideas for T-shirts, bumper stickers, signs, brochures, etc. You can help me build the web-site, or give me advice on how to solicit sponsorship. Or you can organize a similar event you your area!
Hey, I'm game out here on the East Coast (NJ/NY/Philly area). Everything needs to be more succinct, and "polished", but there is potential here. Let me know what I can do.
hybridusa, I hate to be a buzz kill, but join the movement mate! It's all around! Us avg joe consumers are making it a reality too and yes, thanks to creators of these websites you speak of, the grass roots is able to coordinate, communicate and disseminate. With over a dozen Hybrids due out by next year and a couple dozen the year after...the transformation is now mainstream and underway. Also, these corps you speak of don't want to see a core group of willing people, they want to see a successful test-product and bank. Sorry.. I feel your romantics and passion - that is awesome! Bravo.. But what we can do now to make a difference is either commit to being a repeat, loyal consumer of this technology or enter the political, legal, business/scientific spectrum of the development process.. So start something man.. don't wait for us! Complete your education, apply for an *inside* job, implement a campaign of your own, etc... time is clickin mate... turn your ideas into action - action that will sell! Best regards,