I bought my Prius on July 20 and paid for a remote car starter. The dealership couldn't install it at that time because they tell me they are waiting for Toyota to make an override chip for remote car starter devices. I still haven't heard...I e-mailed and they are still waiting for this override chip. Anyone else have a remote car starter installed on their 2010 Prius, or are we all waiting for this override chip??
I have remote start, was port installed in Portland, Oregon. Several other forum members have it also. I don't know what your dealer is talking about. Did you pay for a Toyota OEM remote start or an aftermarket one?
My advice: Don't let anyone talk you into any aftermarket alarm/remote starter. My dad was "sold" on the former, and continues to have "compatibility" problems (i.e. shock sensor delay too quick - closing the trunk sets off the alarm, beeping of horn when locking, etc.). I can't imagine how a remote start would function w/o being able to communicate with the Authorization ECU (or it's equivalent), which the Toyota remote-start system is capable of doing. Toyota OEM may be more expensive, but you can rest assured that it will work as advertised, and usually with a direct in-line plug-in harness specifically for the Prius (no wire tapping/cutting). Downside of the Toyota remote start is the engine does stop once you unlock/open the door - however this isn't a bad thing IMHO from a security perspective.
I took delivery of my Prius on Saturday. Like many others, I have a working remote start. Mine was port installed as I requested, but I know the dealer also installs them (with a mark-up). It sounds like your dealer is planning to either install a non-toyota remote starter (what did you pay?) or enjoy the extra cash.
...It sounds like your dealer is planning to either install a non-toyota remote starter... * You called your starter system Command Start, the Toyota start system is called "Remote Engine Start", check with your dealer to see what is the exact name of your system. The Toyota "Remote Engine Start" is the ONLY starter system compatible with your existing Key Fob, and other system will have a second Key Fob you'll have to have in conjunction with your Toyota Fob. David (aka Blind Guy)
Oh yeah, it turns out that there is an after-market remote starter called "Command Start" so I'm guessing the OP will be waiting a while.
I'm getting my 5,000 mile checkup at the dealer this Saturday and I'm also waiting on the Toyota remote start. I looked at an aftermarket option, but it would require using one of my key fobs, so I'm willing to wait as I don't want to be minus a fob if something happens to my primary one.
What's the purpose of remote start? I'm not even aware that it exists--what's the advantage of starting the car before you get in? And then, according to a post below, you still have to restart when you get into the car? Why not just start when you're ready to drive?
It will run the heat or air conditioning to heat up or cool down the interior, nice on a very hot or cold day.
I had my Toyota Remote Start installed after I bought my 2010. Sounds like they sold you an aftermarket remote start. I made sure that it said "Toyota Remote Start" when I got that "We owe you" paper from the dealership. One of the biggest advantages to having the Toyota remote start is that you won't have to carry multiple remotes/keys. But, the aftermarket ones usually have a much farther range (like 3-4x further, sometimes). I got it because I like to walk into a warm car in the winter and a cool car in the summer. Yes it wastes gas... but I'm not one of those hyper milers. Yes you do have to restart when you get in the car but its not that big of a deal for me. I'm really happy with remote start.
Picked up my new 2010 prius a few days ago, IV white with solar package (one mile on it) and it also had the remote start installed at port, but after you start it with the remote the engine will shut off after a couple of minutes, called toyota and they said that is normal with the prius, think I should of saved my money and not ordered the remote start. In the winter it is nice to enter a warm cab but with the prius that will not happen with the engine off.
Hmm, thanks for all the info....the dealership sold me on a third party remote car starter (a Viper, I think) because they said that the Toyota one is very basic. The advantage of the third party remote is that it is a 2-way starter...if I push the start button, it will start and radio back to the fob. If I am indoors and can't see my vehicle, I will know it has started. As far as I know, the Toyota OEM is very basic and doesn't do this.....I was excited the dealership would put in a third party starter for the same price, but now I am having doubts.....
Hmmmm. It should run for 10 minutes after being remote started, which should be enough time to heat up the interior. And I believe you can do it twice, for a total of 20 minutes. If instead you are using the solar ventilation thing, that would shut off after 3 minutes.
Not sure I really comprehend the purpose of remote start on a Solar equipped Prius - that combination already has remote A/C for the summer. Only additional benefit would be a warm cabin in the winter. For grins, I tried remote A/C to see if the electric PTC heaters would do "something" (it was an abnormally cool 43°F in Phoenix this morning) - nothing. Ah well...
All of the instruction that come with the remote starter say that the engine will stay running for 10 minutes but on my 2010 factory (Port) installed remote starter the engine will only stay on for about one minute then will shut off. I call Toyota and they told me that nothing is wrong with it. They said that is normal for the Prius model. Not real happy with spending that kind of money for a remote start and then it shuts off after a minute to save gas.
Then you must have a defective unit. I just tested mine and it turns the car on for 10 minutes, then shuts down. Complain to the dealer and document everything for your state's lemon law.
Couple of things: 1) The Toyota remote start has limitations as to the distance it can be started. The aftermarket companies (Viper is one) will work up to 1/4 mile away with remote feedack. That is the one I personally own on my car. 2) The Toyota one should run for 10 minutes and shut off. Anything less is a defective unit. 3) Aftermarket ones are just as good relating to quality assuming you get a name brand. 4) Aftermarket ones will usually cost you another key to get around the security system. There is a work around being offered in the next 1-2 months though.
The purpose of the remote start is to operate the heating or cooling system. The engine only runs when necessary to warm up the engine or recharge the traction battery. So the 10 minute specification really refers to Ready mode, not engine operating mode. The only reason I can think of where anyone would want to operate the engine for a full 10 minutes is a mechanic working on the engine. In normal usage, you want the engine to turn off whenever it isn't needed. Anything less would just be primitive. Normal operation.
I might not have read tomhalv's posts closely enough, so I will also clarify that the "engine" does not run continuously. The hybrid system is on (Ready mode I guess) for 10 minutes to run the heater or AC and the engine itself only runs for brief periods to keep the traction battery charged. There is no reason to run the engine for 10 minutes straight with a Prius.