I have a 2008 Prius. My BB Curve worked, however I recently purchased a 9630 BB tour and it will not work with the bluetooth. The phone will recognize the car, however the car will not find the phone. I called toyota and they say it is not compatible. Any suggestions other then buying a new phone to get the blackberry to sync?
Capudo, My wife and I both have BB Tours and they are synced with both my 2006 and her 2007 touring, no issues. Give it a shot again and let us know where you are "hanging" at. Is it when it asks for the passkey, is it searching for devices, etc... Happy driving, Chris
Thanks for for the response Chris. I have tried a quite a few times and have deleted the devise then added it back a few times. My phone finds the device and I am also able to input the pass code. My phone says pairing complete, however my car will not connect to the phone. I tried my phone on a blue tooth headset which worked, so it must be the car. My BB tour is the brand new model, which may be the problem. Verizon said they used the newest bluetooth platform which may be too new for the prius bluetooth.
For what it's worth, I'm having the same problem with the Tour 9630 -- on the Blackberry, it looks like it pairs successfully, but on the Prius screen still stays on the registration screen and never acknowledges that it paired.
Not sure what the issue is. I have added and removed our phones once or twice on each of the cars. I like having them in a certain order on the "Select Phone" screen. Yeah I know anal, LOL. The only thing I can say is try adding an additional phone, you can have up to six I think, then switching back and forth between the phone you just added and your Tour. You can try running Desktop Manager and see if the Tour needs any software updates but the only ones so far haven't had anything to do with Bluetooth. Mostly language and web crap. Good luck and let us know how you make out. Chris
Do you have "Encryption" enabled on your 9630? Unfortunately the company policy on my 9630 forces it on, but I suspect it's not supported by the Prius. I'm running, which is the latest released for Verizon.
Alan, Yes - encryption is enabled on both phones. Both phones are also v4.7.1.40 (Platform Micro Edition Bluetooth Version 1.1. Our phones are also through Verizon and updated through Desktop Manager. The other thing I have had happen a couple of times on our Prii is the Passcode somehow gets reset. Choose a different Passcode on the Prii and then reset it back to the one that matches the phone. I had to do this on our old phones from time to time but never with the new Tours, knock on wood. It is easiest to notice the Passcode being missing when you switch from one phone to another. The symptoms are completely different than what you are seeing however. The phone actually connects, the blue indicator light comes on but when you answer through the steering wheel nothing comes from the car's speakers. Everything comes through the phone, really strange. Let us know if you make any headway. Chris