You know how the rear view is obstructed? I was riding along wishing I could see the turn signals on the car behind me and the idea came that wouldn't it be nice if my rearview camera could turn on whenever I wanted it and not just in reverse. Has anyone done that? If so, how?
Do a search. There are several posts about the rearview camera. It's not practical to do as the camera is aimed low and also has a wide angle lens.
Go to Darell's Electric Vehicle Page Click on Prius Hybrid (in the left frame) > Mods (at upper left of main frame) > Anytime Camera View (about halfway down the page)
Method 1 looks pretty "trouble-free" to me! If it is too much trouble, why did you go to the "trouble" to ask (and ask others to take the trouble to look it up)? Thanks to dogfriend - I might do that simple mod myself.