1 month old used it between macbooks, model is D250 color is red, comes with all boxs and paperwork, very awesome netbook. 199.00 mint condition
Does it happen to have a mobile broadband card in it (for sprint)? I know some do, but not all... Thnx
Did you pay attention to the forum section it was posted in? Did you happen to see how many posts the 1st responder has? ROTFLMAO
This one is a straight netbook,No card. Thanks but I have meet some great people here and maybe some one needs it at a great price and if you want to get picky, I used it in my prius Thanks guys for sticking up for me if someone needs it it a great deal
I'm looking to get a new portable computer to replace my 8 year old 800mhz laptop. Seems like everyplace I go on the net I see these great prices for small netbooks. I'm trying my best to hold out for an Mbook M2. Dont know how much longer I can hold out. This seems to be a very good deal and I'm tempted to buy it.
well Sandy I for one, am glad that someone at PC got first crack at getting a good deal before any stranger on Craig's list or e-bay. thank you very much for considering us first
Well even though I sold my pri I know another is in my future and made some great friends here, I will be sticking around for a long time