Does anybody here have a source where I might purchase left and right side replacement headlamp assemblies (halogen) for a 2010 prius I-IV besides the dealer? I wouldn't mind paying $100, 150 a side, but I don't want to go to a dealer and get gouged for $400 each or something like that. All help is quite appreciated!
Your only option is a junkyard, and given that they are pretty new my guess is dealer it is. $400 a peice? I bet its more than that. They're expensive, all that plastic and the projectors themselves. Its not like just going to Pep-Boys and buying a sealed beam headlight anymore. I bet you couldn't even buy them used for $100-$150 a side.
Try if you have the part numbers (get from dealer). They will still be spendy though, just 1/2 price.