Hello all, I got my new 2010 IV/Blizzard Pearl with Dark Grey leather and Solar Package on Thursday afternoon. Just as I picked her up, I learned of a death in my family. I drove home and put her in the garage and didn't have time to take her out again until Sunday. What a fantastic car!! I'm reading the manual slowly and getting to know her. I logged on Saturday night when I saw the immobilizer light come on and had no idea, but how wonderful to be able to access all the knowledge here! I spent Sunday Zaino-ing her. Wow!! Pretty incredible stuff. I'm having tint put on the windows. I have to say I don't know how much gas I'll be saving...I seem to find any excuse to go somewhere
So sorry for your loss. There is nothing like Zaino-ing! I love Zaino products, especially the detailer spray. What a great shine!
I have had my car since August am I am still learning new things it can do. This morning I accidently touched the voice activate button on the steering and the car talked to me!! I forgot about this feature.:welcome:
Hi Black Swan and :welcome: I know exactly what you mean by actually using more gas - when I'm with friends I jump to offer everyone a ride. Oops! Forgot to pick up milk - no problem!! I'm putting on miles much faster with this car that others I've owned! Enjoy your driving!