Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Costco does not sell nitrogen for tires. If you buy tires from them that's what they put in them. BTW they have pretty good prices on Michelins that fit the Prius. I agree nitrogen is of no apparent value in passenger car tires.
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Strange marketing plan. They didn't tell me about it until after I made my purchase decision. And it was not an extra-fee item.
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Yes, but you get those really cool looking green valve stem caps. Tom
Hoe no ... not another nitrogen thread ... just when I thought it had been completely beat to death. .
I wonder what font you need to use to represent squeaky hydrogen voices? Something small, I assume. Tom
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? It's worh it to me if I don't lose air out of my tires at the rate of two pounds a month to use nitrogin, jmmv I run the water I drink through a filter and I wear sunglasses outside any of you flat earthers object :rockon:
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Filtering drinking water may be worthwhile depending on the quality and taste of your drinking water. Sunglasses are a proven aid to safety and comfort. Reducing pressure loss in tires is worthwhile. Sadly, nitrogen does not help in this respect. There are many products that fall into this category: fuel line magnets, deer whistles, energy crystals, perpetual motion machines, magic fuel additives...the list goes on and on. They all purport to do something useful, but all they really do is transfer money. Tom
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Hey. are you saying that the 6 deer whistles I have on the front of my car are worthless? How am I going to attract deer if they don't work? BTW, I always type using a squeaky hydrogen voice. :madgrin:
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? It's not the deer whistles on your car that will attract the deer, it's the squeaky hydrogen voice. Tom
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Add chiropractics, homeopathy, and acupuncture to that list.
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Is that an O2 vs. N2 problem, or a bead seal problem? One time when Costco mounted a new set of tires for me, they left bead leaks on every wheel, the worst being 1.5 pounds per day. When I had them try to fix it, one was still left at 1.5 pounds per week. They claimed they couldn't do any better with the aging alloy wheels. I lived with it for the life of those tires, but the original problem returned on the next set. A local independent shop was able to clean the wheels and get a very good seal.
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Well, I intended to do a "up" on this topic, just for refreshment of Nitrogen-does-nearly-nothing... But, off-topic, I have to make a comment... Acupuncture is a recognized practice by western medicin, and has been for centuries part of the chinese medicin with sensible role. There are some cronic diseases pain releafed mostly by this method, and may be used as an anaesthesic in some specific patients cirurgies, no chemicals involved.
Re: What about the overal environmental impact? Really?? You revived a 1 year old thread for this?? lol. Western Medicine also involved leeches, and drilling into the head 500 years ago.
Maybe my first sentence doesn't explain why the revived thread? I recognized also it went to a off-topic comment, but ok, it was written and you also may continue off-topic if you wish.