I just got my gen III and am finding it hard to match my gen II mpg. Its getting better and I'm sure I can improve on it, its just a bit different from the gen II. Has anybody got any info on mpg and breaking in, hopefully I'll get a few mpg once I get a few miles on the clock. Thanks Gary
I got about 4 mpg better from my first (real) tank to my best tank (about 1600 miles on OD). Of course some of that could be better driving habits, temps, etc.
From what I have read on the board don't expect too much of an improvement until after 5,000 miles. The big jump occurs between 5,000 to 10,000 miles. You will see some improvement as the miles rack up but don't be disappointed that you not hitting the higher MPG numbers you want to see. Have some patience and they will improve over time.
Would be nice to get another 4 mpg in another 1000 miles, the thing is I had a gen II for three years so my leaning curve is a bit different.
Wait until you're past about 3k miles. I was told by the dealer that there is some sort of battery conditioning cycle that takes place in the first 3k miles that diminshes MPG's. That may be a total load of hooey but regardless, my mileage started shooting up after 3k and there was another decent bump after the first oil change.
If what lamontcranston says is true, then I am really looking forward to the day the consumption will further go down - I am already getting very good values...
Just picked up my Gen 3last Friday. Have 284 miles on it as of now. Driving it in ECO mode probably 98% of the time so far. MPG on the display so far say's 52.4. Dealer filled the tank when I bought it so I dont knoe the exact qty of gas that went in. I'll track that when I fill it up for the first time but, thus far, pretty darn incredible!
Thats great, is this your first Prius also what is your mileage and over what period did it go up. Thanks