I have read through numerous threads and on different forums but I just want to get a definitive answer. This all started because I went to get an annual vehicle inspection. My car failed because the inspector said that the airbag light was on. The manual states that when the car turns on the "Airbag On and Off" lights flash on then off after 4 seconds. It does this. When my wife sits in the car, the "Airbag On" light comes on. When she gets out, the light "on" light turns off but the words "airbag" stay lit. The manual states that there is a problem if the red driver side airbag light and the airbag off lights are lit. This is not the case. Just the "airbag" light. Is this normal for a '08 Prius? I am a little paranoid to take it to the dealer because I have performed the EV mod by adding a switch in one of the empty switch covers next to the dimmer. I did this after having the car for 1 week. I am afraid the dealer would tell me that this mod caused it which I am sure is not the case and tell me they cannot help me nor want to touch my vehicle.
The airbag waring light is red and near the speedometer. It will come on for 6 seconds when you start the car and then go off. The orange one on the passenger side is a status light for the passenger airbag.
Oddly enough, the passenger Airbag label stays lit. Only the on/off status light turns on and off. Tom
Thanks for the replies. I always remember seeing that airbag light and never thought twice about it. I spent 3 hours at the inspection station. I had the inspector call VA State Police who went through my manual and had the inspector pass my car. I just hate the fact that I might have to go through the same thing every year. I may just take it in to the dealer for the inspection every year and have them do some routine maintenance as well.
I just had the same issue having my 2006 inspected in MA. I spent 2 days trying to convince the inspector that the AIRBAG light on the passenger side is ALWAYS on and that if there was a malfunction the RED warning light located with all the other warning lights would be on... They almost had me go trough a formal complaint process to get it re-inspected... That process is 60+ days and results in a hearing of sorts to determine the outcome. In the end I got the service station that did the inspection to come to their senses...
My red airbag light came on a couple months ago and won't shut off. I even got a new 12v battery as mine was getting low. That didn't fix the issue either. Where can I disconnect/reconenct the airbag connections? Would this possibly fix the issue?
I called a while back and they wanted at $300 to fix it. That's why I was reluctant to get it done. Has anyone else been able to fix this w/o going to the dealer? Is it something they simply check with their scan tool to reset the code or is it definitely in need of repair? Either way, I'm probably SOL.
Look at it this way, something triggered the code. Just clearing the code won't fix the original problem.