I have been looking at the 2010 Honda Insight for the past few days and was thinking "What if I would trade in my Gen II Prius, for a 2010 Insight?" I gave it some thought, there are some things I don't like about the Insight, like it can't run "purely" off the batteries. I also would like it to have a bigger screen to monitor the hybrid system, like the Gen II Prius. Can you guys help me out, maybe give me some +'s and -'s on the Insight. things I can't do with it, that the Prius can do? ect. Thanks.
we drove the honda first. then the 2010 both wife and I said hands down the Prii won. 6K miles latter we have no questions we made the right choice after a 2K mile trip fm CT to GA and back ave mpg 54.6. Love the car! GenIII trim 3 Sandy Beach Propel bikini bra
i think buying a new car right now is waste of money, especially when you got fly economical gas saving Prius, and you've already paid the premium, so why double down and eat the depreciation on a new Honda drive it, love it ... live it :thumb:
I've only driven the 2008 Prius for a short distance, not even a test drive. I looked into the 2010 Insight, including a real test drive, before purchasing the 2010 Prius. Though my advice would also to be keep your 2008 Prius, I'll list some Insight positives and negatives. + It drives more like a sports car, and less like a big sedan. The 2008 Prius was a little floaty. The Insight is no BMW, though. + Different interior options, like Navigation, stereo, and so forth. + Less expensive to purchase. Also, dealers will be more likely to bargain. I found Honda dealers nicer to talk to than Toyota, also, but that will differ. * The Honda platform construction (basics of a Fit). You might prefer them over Toyota. - Mileage is worse than either version of Prius. - The Insight is smaller inside, despite being about the same length and width. - It's fully quiet a lot less often, as electric assist instead of a dual system. This was the biggest one for me. I really like the quiet. Overall, I agree with the majority of purchasers. The 2010 Prius is better than the 2010 Insight. The 2008 Prius is a closer call. Unless you have a lot of money, or you're very unhappy with what you have, I would still recommend keeping what you've got.
Yeah, that_prius_car, You don't need to buy another Prius or hybrid. I'm guessing the one you have now is perfectly good. If youre bored of it, why don't you try some mods?
You might want to take a look at this review posted by an Insight owner: My Review of the Honda Insight (3 Months 7,500 Miles) - Insight Central: Honda Insight Forum The review was not favorable.
I've taken a few good, long looks at the 2010 Insight, driving beside it on the freeway. I don't like its profile look much. It's pretty nice to sit in the front seat. The back seat room is laughable, I'd say for anyone over ~ 5'8" tall.
The review is not very credible and is disagreed with much. Dude claims windshield wipers cause car to rock side to side. Yeah, right.
I drove an insight before I bought my car too. I though, being a previous honda faithful, that I would like it better than the prius but I didn't. It was smaller, and less comfortable, felt and drove much more like an economy car than the prius. It also didn't have the sks. That was a deal breaker for me! I STILL have my key safely tucked into my purse or backpack and never need to take it out to drive my car. Best feature ever!!
What's wrong with your 2008? I agree, that review of the Insight is a tad bias (remember, he's coming from an A4). Also, what he described under "build quality" has nothing to do with build quality. He's referring more to the choice of material, not the workmanship.
Well, there is nothing wrong, I love it. Its just, Honda is having a deal where if you lease it for 36 months, and put down $2,700 the payment will only be $199 a month.
I guess the logic we (as a forum) are trying to get around is why would you spend extra ($199/mth) for a vehicle that is smaller, less fuel efficient while your current one (which is fairly new) is still being paid for (unless you paid cash for it?). Granted, it's more fun to drive but that's only thing I can see going for it (I've driven the Insight already) Are the monthly payments on the Insight lower than on your Prius?
i too was in the market for an insight, simply because it was cheaper, and still pretty cool for the price considering its a hybrid. in fact i was at the salesman's desk ready to do it, until it got late, i decided i'd rather eat dinner and sleep on it....i woke up and went to toyota. the rest is history. what swayed me were a few things i observed on the 4 test drives i had with the insight: 1. the insight's brakes. there's a spot moments before you're about to come to a complete stop where the brakes feel like they almost let go. this scared the crap out of me, and it happened consistently. i knew if it bothered me now, its not something i'd likely get over. even if i grew accustomed to it, it'd still be very very unpleasant. 2. the interior. some of it is very very cool. cooler than the prius. but in the end, a lot of the 2010 insight's interior details are kinda a mash of harsh lines and a little too aggressive for my tastes. it actually was super appealing at first, but after seeing the inside of a prius, how all the lines seem to flow, i couldn't get excited about the insight. i do like the similarly designed civic. the insight looks like a smaller civic interior, with the hybrid info slapped on as an afterthought. 3. the price. its very very attractive, and honda will work with you in a way that toyota will not. however, i feel like for the money, you're getting more car for the dollar with the prius. before people make too many comparisons, you're not getting off the lot with an comparable (to a prius) insight for much less than $20,000 if not more. the package II prius, which is still very nice, starts at $21,000. cash for clunkers was my friend, and made this a very easy comparison, price was no longer that much of an issue. 4. mpgs. the lowest i manage to get is 41mpg when i drive my prius like absolute crap some tanks because its fun to try to drive fast (and the prius does have a little bit of spunk in power mode). ALL HYBRID OWNERS will claim high mpgs without effort, but if we cut the BS, the average driver won't see the sticker mpg unless they try to drive that way...impractical for many of us. that said, an insight's sticker mpg is 41, that means "drive it conservatively". all in all, the prius is better designed overall, and worth the few thousand more it costs to move away from an insight. the only decision really left is "do you want a prius?". there are many insights on the road and i doubt its because their owners are naive. people know what's what, and still make their own decisions. these are my reasons.