i bought a 2007 south of the border and saved major $$. i sold it for a modest profit and got a Rx400H cause i thought I needed AWD. just sold the Lexus and now am getting a gen lll cause i miss the mileage. MSRP here in Canada is 27,500 for a ll with no negotiation. I am thinking i can get same for about $4,500 less south of the border. After paying 6.8 duty at border, RIV fees, DRL, and inspection I think I will still be ahead. Any one do this recently? thx also the Canadian Dollar closed at about .97 this week.
You may save a few bucks, but what about the warranty? I understand that you may have to drive down to have your Prius serviced by a US dealer. Any waranty issues will also mean a trip across the border. Might be difficult to get a US dealer to sell you one if they know you plan to export it to Canada.
Not true. Toyota Canada honours the US warranty without any restrictions. See quick summary here, or give Toyota a call for verification. APA.ca
Actually your Toyota Warrenty is good anywhere. i had some warrenty work done B4 in Canada. I really prefer the MPG vs L/km though i guess I could get used to it.
According to my template, at 98 cents exchange rate (and assuming 5% GST and 7% PST), your cost difference is $1,158.
its probably a moot point, i just got an email from a Portland area salesman saying they do not sell to Canadians? FYI you do get the PST back from the BC government, just have to apply for refund, not taken off at ICBC. I figure its in the $3,000 dollar range depending on what model i go for. for the record i am an american living in Canada if that has any bearing. also i earn my money in USD so i have to pay to exchange it it Canadian. i just wanted some feedback if someone had done it recently. i just do not care for the MSRP or take a hike attitude here in Canada. i guess i will have to get used to L/km Probably not worth the hassle at $3,000. butt? cheers
Don't forget there is a C$2000 provincial rebate being offered by the Government on qualified hybrid vehicles including the Prius. Here are the details TOYOTA CANADA : Promotions > Rebate Programs
got my second rejection letter, this time form Montana. Due to Toyota/US import restrictions we are unable yada yada i think i might have to go back to Phoenix
Oops! You're right! I forgot about the PST rebate. Well if you're from PHX, wouldn't you have a US address then? Technically, you're not Canadian. But if that's the case, then you'd have to pay state tax and GST when you cross the border. Totally forgot about it!
Arizona does not charge sales tax if you leave the state immediately. just pay something like a $20 temp. tag and head for the border. Then U pay 5.8 duty plus RIV and DRL, free inspection. My 2007 was $22,500 out the door and I paid $3,170 at the border, GST and DUTY. Add $1,000 for gas, and incidentals and $1,000 more for a 2010 ll out the door and I still come up with less than BC. 2010 Prius ll $23,500 (this is just a guess) +- GST/duty/excise/tax 3,500 Misc. travel, DRL, etc. 1,000 $28,000 vs $30,500 in Canada i think this is not enough savings to go to all the trouble. I am just gonna have to get used to L/km end of thread, thanks
OK here comes a post from someone who's done it twice; You CAN get the $2k PST back - you have to pay the PST then write to the Provincial taxing authority to request it back. If you bought the car brand new and imported it brand new they will send you a check for $2k back. You'll have to show proof that you paid the PST. I've done this twice without a problem. One major major major plus to buying a US car is that you can get the best, safest setup for living in Canada - what do I mean? Let's say you lived in Vancouver Canada where during the winter it's dark for most of the day, rainy and VERY foggy. What would you want in your Prius for Canada? How about HID Lamps, Foglamps and the Tech package for uber-safety. Wait - what if you lived in Japan and had no clue what Canadians actually need nor what the weather in Canada is like? Well, you might do something silly like say that all Tech package Priuses sold in Canada will only come with basic headlamps and no foglamps... but you'll give those Canadians a sunroom instead - because it's so incredibly sunny in the great white north (?). Needless to say this forced me to purchase my new Prius in the US in order to get the car that is better set up for people who live in Canada. Sunroofs don't come in very handy in rainy foggy Vancouver........... In order to buy your Prius in the US, you'll need to prove you have some sort of address / residency in the states.
georgekessel are you sure you from Vancouver because you sound like a person from Centre of the Universe, you know Toronto LOL