Both times I've gone in to have my oil changed, the first question the service person asked was "Did you buy it here?" Why would they ask that? Why would they care? It's not like I'm having major work done, just a measly little oil change. Curious if this is a standard question, and why it's relevent.
Maybe they give you one of those little air freshners they hang from your mirror if you bought it there LOL:kiss:
If you say "Yes" they wheel you out a Barcalounger, tea & bisquits, and set you up with the store Wi-Fi rig while you wait. If you say "No" they send you out back and let you wait by the dumpster.
They probably want to know if they should really use the 0w20 or screw you with the conventional stuff.
They'll look you up on the computer and eventually find you if you bought it there. 'Gives them a heads-up because some dealers are a little more generous with loaners if you bought there, rather than having to take the courtesy van or wait for 3 hours in the lounge. If you did buy there, you'd tend to expect a little better treatment than some new arrival. I sure do.
As a service writer, it helps me to at least know if it's your first time here or not. Reason being I need to collect more information (full VIN, license plate, etc.) before coming to write up your car. Knowing in advance saves me a second trip and saves you a little time as well.
Actually it didn't. In that case shouldn't the question be, "Have you had your car serviced here before?"
At my dealership they put your vehicle in the system when purchased so either asking, did you buy the vehicle here or have you had the vehicle serviced here before, allows the service writer to save time for both parties and assure error free data the first time. A transposed number when coping the VIN sure slows the process.
Some Dealerships give FREE Oil Changes as a provision of purchasing the car from that Dealership. Sometimes those FREE Oil Changes are numerically limited (i.e. 3, 5, 10 are FREE) and after the specified number of FREEbies, you are charged for the remainder. If when asked if you purchased your car there, and you answer YES, the Service Writer's must look you up in their computer to verrify you purchased it there, and at what stage of your FREE Oil Changes you are at. If you answer NO, then the above doesn't have to be performed, saving both of you time and trouble. David (aka Blind Guy)
J, It's kind of like peeling an onion. I can't tell you how many times I've asked the "Have you had your car serviced here before", only to get a "No" and come to find out they've been going somewhere else for oil changes & now need warranty work. :mmph: So, if I get a "yes" on the "Did you buy it here" question, I can, for my purposes, safely eliminate the second question. If I get a "no", then I move to the second question. I find that people are often stressed out at the prospect of bringing their car to the dealership for service and, subsequently, some hand-holding is in order at times.
Yes, I always stressed when I bring the car to the dealer for service or repair because I am not sure I will get ripoff this time or get some unnecessary repair. e.g. my brother brought his Camry in for oil change, the service manager came out an hour later and told him the power steering pump is leaking and offer to have it replaced for $450. My brother refused and turns out that it is the oil leak is from the valve cover gasket, common problem will the V6 engine.
Easier to ask than, "are you on our system?" This question might confuse some people. The next question, if you answer no is, "have you had your car serviced here before?" <edit> looks like Chris already said this, oh well, I said it again.<end edit>
Given the number of people who still wear the dealer-installed license plate frames on their Prius, it's kind of a dumb question I don't know any Toyota dealers who provide loaners to their customers. I thought only Lexus does it.
Had my first service last week - at a dealership different from where I bought the car. I was asked this question and took no offense at all. It meant the service guy knew I wasn't in his system. It took a few extra minutes for him to capture the VIN and my digits. He typed into the service order that I wanted to be sure to get syn. oil and not to over fill it, and what I wanted fro tire pressure. No problems. Next time I go in, I expect him to find me in the system and know what I'm about. If he doesn't - then I'll offer up my best sigh of exasperation and tap my feet impatiently.