Me. Myself and my sons, we are the casualties this time. IP closing Albany Paper Mill; decision will cost 230 jobs I found it insulting that they are closing the mill even though, profits are up. It's a well known fact that this mill still creates revenue. Not only that, but they are making damn sure NO ONE ELSE can use all the brand new equipment to make paper. Why? They can pay people less money to make the paper somewhere else. It should be illegal to close a perfectly profitable business JUST to increase a monopoly and profit margin. In December I knew I would be losing 30% of my income. Now... I will be losing 100% of my income. I am not sure what I'm going to do now.... every time I think about having to quit school, I cry. I asked my x-husband if he wanted to move to Canada with us.
Sigh. You don't need more bad news. "Merry Christmas", corporate style. If you're serious about Canada, be warned that we have capitalists and corporations here, too. edit: No, that's not what I meant. Start here.
Wow, Oct, so sorry to hear about your job. i went thru a 30% pay reduction in April, now another slowdown is in the works. no pay cut, but company ended 401 K matching Sept 1. stopped employee stock purchase Dec 1. more to come.
Sorry... I should clarify! I just re-read my post and it is misleading, but not on purpose. I currently work as a full time volunteer getting a very modest living stipend. I will be done with my assignment and be losing that income when I complete it in December. I was not thrilled about it, and am looking for work to replace it, but I wasn't in a panic because I still had child support/spousal support that we could get by on. We are losing it all now. If I have to take full time work to survive, I don't know how I will be able to still go to school, but what I want most in this world is to go to school and get my MSW. I'm trying really hard to have a positive outlook on this and to see it as an opportunity, but coming so close on the heals of so many other "opportunities", I'm having a hard time.
Still not completely clear, but I think that your x is losing his job, so you will no longer get spousal/child support, correct? Sorry for your loss of income. I have now been out of work for a year after the company I worked for shut down. The corporate owners moved all of our work to Malaysia. I have been trying to get a state job because they are one of the only employers that have decent medical and retirement plans, but the state has been laying off boat loads of people too.. The worst part about losing a job isn't the loss of income, its all the bullshit that you are expected to go through to get another one.
That is terriible news Octavia. I hope you are able to stay in school. Do you have the option for searching for a paid internship that would equal what you got paid as a volunteer?
i'm sorry IP ended up selling the site where my dad works to another company- it was a very close call for them. DH went back to school while he was unemployed, but of course he had someone else (that is, me) to support him during this time. have you looked into any openings at your college? employees usually get a tuition break, so maybe you could continue part time and at a cheaper rate.
Yes, correct. I knew I wasn't alone in this... I'm in a weird position on this one though, I won't get unemployment etc. I'm not sure what it going to happen to me but sitting down with my x husband last night about broke my heart. As much of a son of a bitch as he is, this work is all he has ever known, most of his pride and self worth are tied up in his ability as a provider and employee. This is devastating him. His position in the company is very technically specific, there is no job market for his skills now that they are closing this mill. Last night, I was remembering all the people and families I have gotten to know over the years who work there. This has happened to so many people, and it is so unfair. When are they going to realize they are decimating their own market? Once they ruin us all, who will be left to buy their products? The people in Malaysia, only they will have to sell to em at a price they can afford on their reduced wages! The part about this that makes me cry is the thought of losing my school. I have fought so hard and so long to get here and I want this more than anything. FINALLY I'm at a place in my life where I am doing work I believe in and where my skills fit. I make a terrible waitress, I just piss people off all day. I've got an email into the school, and my boss, letting them know what is happening. I'm going to just keep knocking on doors and hope one opens. I'm looking into that, but the program I'm in is labeled "self supporting" so does not qualify for any tuition breaks for employees.
I have wondered about this for years, but the people in charge do not care, so long as they are making money. I think we are now starting to see the leading edge of what will happen in the US without a manufacturing base. Everyone will be in the service industries, trying to sell services to each other, but no one will have the income to buy the services. Or, they will be in the government sector, but without the income from taxes, the government will also be forced to shrink and cut benefits. Sorry, none of this helps, does it? Don't give up. Talk to the counseling people at your school. They will know about any programs available. I am taking night classes at the local community college (I can't take day classes without screwing up unemployment). They have a program here called CalWorks which I believe is meant to help single moms get retraining and financial assistance. They should have something similar in Oregon. Hang in there. Tell your x to hang in there too. I know how he feels. At least he should be eligible for unemployment.
Capitalism isn't about the long term. As long as there's a savings in the short term that's the move businesses will make.
Octavia, your ex should be eligible for re-training programs, where he is put through school to learn another trade, and will get support while he's at it. Follow Dogfriends advice, and talk to the financial counselors. you should be able to get general assistance from the state, since you have kids and are in school. Food stamps and medical assistance, if nothing else. I'd like to suggest that you don't move to Canada with your ex. Certainly, move without him, if you'd like... but don't put yourself back in a situation that will eat you alive, okay? You'll make it - and so will he.
I'm going to bite my tongue on offering any marital advice, but I will say there may be legal issues involving visitation rights affected by taking children out of the country.
I know. They are turning me into a socialist by default. I can usually take a neutral stance on things but this is getting ridiculous. Thanks Rae. Realistically I can't move to Canada because I know he won't move and I am unwilling to separate my children from their father and vice versa. I wish I could just move and do what I know is right for me, but I still have a few years of putting them first, then maybe I can consider it seriously. I am planning a visit though! My passport is on it's way.. good thing I ordered it before this happened! Yes and besides I won't separate them from him by any significant distance if I can help it.
Bummer, octavia. You can try my line of work, which is posting on PriusChat all day. It's interesting work, but so far it hasn't paid well. Seriously, though, perhaps something good will emerge from this disaster. It has happened to me, and others I know, that we came out better on the other end, even though everything is dark and bleak at the moment. We are all pulling for you. Tom
Sorry to hear about that I fail to see how moving to Canada would solve anything. The Canadian pulp and paper industry has been decimated too, with a lot of the damage due to the Softwood Lumber Dispute CBC News Indepth: Softwood lumber dispute Things may not be quite as bad in Canada as they are in the US or in EU countries, but things are still BAD. It could be a long time before things pick up again I personally have changed careers more often than I care to admit, at least 6 major career changes plus many minor ones. I've learned to become proactive and look ahead I don't for one moment believe the lies that corporations and especially governments tell us, about how they "look out for us." Pure crap The most important thing about any economic slowdown is not having any debt. If my contracts dried up tomorrow, I could easily get by for at least 3 years. True, I would have to dramatically cut expenses, no more entertainment or casual spending, but I could do it I know people in NW Ontario who lost their jobs when a paper mill shut down. Long term there are no prospects in that area, families are forced to break apart and move on I'm hoping this works out for you
Keep your chin up and start planning for more cut backs now. As a psych nurse we are seeing more and more people crushed by this economy coming into the hospital after making suicidal statements, getting into drugs or alcohol d/t stress. Keep your friends and family close, let them know what your situation is. Help may be there open handed or as bartering between others. Even here in San Diego there is a return to bartering and recycling goods to others in our circle of F&F. Corporations will get their own kick in butt someday when there is no one left to support them! of course the CEOs already have millions if not billions put away. Yes Octavia there is a socialist movement about!
Octavia - sorry to hear about your situation. My first (humble) advice is to look at jobs at the institution where you are pursuing your MSW. This is important because at many institutions, employees are allowed to take classes (fully paid for by the institution) while working full time (this is the case at both state and private institutions, including many Ivies). There is a limit on how many classes you can take (usually only 1 or 2), however it may be helpful in getting you through this rough economic climate.