My 87 Camry passed 350,000 miles (564,516 km). It is still running strong and just received a new coat of paint.
Spectacular! And, apparently on only 3/4 of a tank of gas! Memory is failing me - I seemed to recall the 1st Camry's in '89 .... How much of your car is original vs. replaced? Good One!
You have to paint it every 22 years? That seems like such a hassle. :madgrin: One of my former coworkers had a Camry of similar vintage. I asked him one day how many miles he had and it was over 300k.
My first Toyota was a Corolla that was given to us, with 360,000 miles on the odo. This was in Minnesota, the salt had done extensive damage to the body - it looked like hell - and, the ignition had been busted, so a pointy can opener was used as a key to start it. It still ran beautifully. My then-teenaged son used it to learn to drive.
I still miss my little 1988 Toyota p/u with 120,000 miles on it when it got stolen. My daughter learned to drive stick on it. I would never have sold that truck. No repairs just regular maintenance. My neighbor was fixing his 1991 Land Cruiser battery cable this morning, 170,000 miles with nothing but maintenance. Hates the MPG but no payments. He and his wife have a Scion for most of their driving. My first Prius only had 48k but I think I will keep this one longer.
I think the coolest part is that you came back from the future to tell us about it. I had no idea that sort of technology was so close!
I think I have a Corolla with similar mileage on it, previous owners called it "The Tank because nothing would stop it. They really looked after the old girl haha ha ha! Why do I love Toyotas?
Here is a rough breakdown of what's been replaced. It still has the original transmission and engine block. Original water pump starts to leak from weep hole, due to replace soon. Cylinder head replace due to crack @300K oil pump seal and front crankshaft seal @ 320K Cat @ 250K alternator @ 220K timing belt twice radiator @ 250K front wheel bearings @ 240K half shafts replaced twice. fuel pump @ 270K Both headlights replace due to stone crack Master window switch replaced. muffler once @ 300K Struts replaced twice. front suspension arm bushing @ 290K Routine maintenances for brake pads and rotors, spark plugs etc some body hardware replacements. BTW, the date was set wrong with the camera, sorry about that.
wow... and I think 1987 was the 1G Camry? amazing. not even a CEL haha.. just door, oil and lights...
The 87 Camry is the gen 2 in the US, for some reason in Canada, the 87 model year is still the old gen 1. I have a lot of confusion try to explain the 87 is different from my sister's 87 who is in Toronto.
ohh.. the 87-91 model?? Maybe we were a year late cause I think we got the 1G Camry a year or two after the U.S.? I'm not sure.