MY prius just reach 300000km as of this past sunday, hope I can squeeze another 300000km from it. sorry for the burr camera phone pics..... I still like my first gen and will try to keep it as long as I could.
From what I can tell, with good maintenance, you should make it to 1,000,000 km ... at which point the interior lining should start to 'shag off.' Then it is time to upgrade ... to gen 6 or 7. <grins> Bob Wilson
Wow!!! That is incredible! Considering what Canadian weathers put our cars through, truly amazing! Hey I live in Toronto too! I am going try to form a Prius club. Lots of Prius owners but no unity! HAHA!! I have a Chrysler Neon and we get together like a family. Its awesome getting 50+ owners come out every week! A Prius like yours would be like a centre piece! I would never give up my Classic for anything! I am sure your Prius will last many many more. Mine just turned about 112,000 kms, I have a long way to go. But with owners like you, we Classic owners have a lot to look forward too. Keep in touch. Matthew
That's fantastic,is it still on it's orignal HV battery?,maybe you could let us all know what parts if any you had to replace!!
WOW - congrats! Is it just me but lately I see a lot more gen 1 Pri around here. I didn't even know they were sold in Canada then. Are you the original owner and were they sold in Canada?
Yeah, my Prius still basically rust free except the some rust form around the licence plate light (I did fixed it last year). I would love to meet the other Prius owner too (expecially Gen 1 Prius). No, the HV battery did replace at around 243000km. Other major parts had been replace are: 12V battery, a inverter/converter unit, engine ecu has been changed to an updated one, steering rack @ 285000km on it 3rd set of summer tires and 2nd set of winter tires Beside that, I just hit a nasty pot hole on new year day so I think my shocks are gone and need to be replaced. Also, a huge ice from a semi truck busted my right fog light last month so I need to replace it too. Thanks... Yup, I have my Prius since Oct 2000.
ea8631, would you mind giving details on the repairs ? Approximate car age and mileage when the part gave out, and repair costs would be great. I am particularly interested in the inverter. Kudos to all Gen one Prius owners!
THe part was given out at May 24, 2005 when my sister driving it. My prius just stall in the middle of the intersection at midland and steeles during afternoon rush hour. The mileage at that time is 177196km. The repair cost is roughly around CAD$1500 (include the used inverter cost around USD$500). I was just out of warrenties and actually my dealer trying to help me to get it covered from Toyota Canada but unfortunately Toyota Canada said I was way out of warrenties and they won't cover the cost. So my dealer suggest me located a used one (since the new one cost almost CAD$6000 at that time) and they give me discount on labor cost. I would love to keep the part and find out what went wrong but it is funny that my dealer tell me Toyota Canada are interested my non-function inverter and they will send it back to Japan for analysis (not sure is it true or not). SO I let them have it.
Well i'm sure Toyota is interested because not many are failing so if one does, they'd like to know if there's a flaw in their design and whether new ones can be improved.
This is so great to hear. It seems like the problems are few and far between. Mine had an inverter coolant pump go and the transaxle before I bought it. Good work keeping it going! I'm halfway there.
there is more chances to squeeze another 300000km from it if you will not do photos at speed above 100 km/h =)
Consider yourself lucky! I have an 01 with 127k that has multiple problems and is not driveable. I also have an 03 with 147k that just start having problem with tranny and now code lights popping up and no reverse and D it hardly moves. Enjoy while it lasts on yours.