<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(galaxee\";p=\"99779)</div> That's awesome...I know what you mean...the lady was just speechless and had a look on her face like I just slapped her mother. It was one of those situations where it just popped out. I didn't plan on saying that, but the timing just worked out too perfect. I don't think I could ever be that witty on the spot ever again, once in lifetime thing I guess, the kind of stuff you only see on sitcoms And with me being an accountant, the odds of having a sense of humor are stacked against me merely based on my profession My wife tells me I was never meant to be an accountant, but I don't hear her complaining on paydays, LOL. Dave.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(jayman\";p=\"97818)</div> A Prius as a Chick Magnet? I thought all you needed was a cute little puppy or kitten to attractive those cute,attractive females, :lol:
I love puppies! You have a puppy? I'm looking for a puppy for my parents, in case anyone in the San Diego area has one or knows of one. Mom prefers a female but any dog will do. Dad prefers a BIG dog and doesn't care what sex. The people who were going to give them a yellow lab backed out and there are very depressed. They were all ready for the new baby. Like an adoption that falls through. If my Dad had his way he'd have a Great Dane. If my Mom had her way she'd have a King Charles Spaniel. You think I'll be able to find a Great Dane/ KCSpaniel mix?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(rick57\";p=\"100000)</div> Rick: Yep, a Prius is pretty much all I need to Close Escrow. Works like a charm and *way* less work than a puppy or kitty. Since most women adore cats, I also have the cat back at my condo. Just to prove I'm a "sensitive" guy too. Jay
The lady I am seeing gets lots of attention from her service dog. But the guys really want to go out with the dog! One guy actually said that. Her thoughts? Hey, there is a person at the other end of that leash!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"100676)</div> Dan: Geez that's creepy! It's kinda sad where our society has gone when guys don't even hit on the correct species. BRRRRRrrrrrrr Jay
I would agree Jay. People like that are not right if they want the dog over the owner, :lol: . Should come as a pair. You like the dog, you should like the owner too!
OK, I knew you all would go there. I don't think by wanting to go out with the dog, it was meant in the same sense as going out with a lady. But I agree, they are a pair, and I love them both. The dog loves me too. I spoil him too much with petting. I'd throw a ball around for him too, but chasing thrown objects is not his thing. She likes me too, but she just got out of a serious relationship, so I am giving her space.
My wife drives a Toyota Echo, "one-half a Prius" (at least the same ICE). Otherwise, our Prius is always the vehicle of choice. The Echo earns about 40 mpg, while the Prius earns 49 mpg (winter) and 60 mpg (summer).
Guess I missed this thread during the time I was away from PC. In another thread I said I'd probably not be attracted to a woman who wanted a Hummer. But I suppose if she was pretty enough... I've asked women out after meeting them at the gym, only to find they were married, but never wore their ring during exercise. I ALWAYS look for a ring. last woman who turned me down was one I met in church. (UU church: athiests fit right in!) She had actually opened the conversation. So, as casually as I could I invited her to lunch. Turned out she was lesbian. (We're a "welcoming congregation," meaning that GLBTs are welcome.) I've known GLBTs who wear a ring, but lots don't. BTW, the third option in this poll makes no sense as an answer to the question! But i guess that's pretty normal for polls. Back on topic, I'd buy a Prius for my girlfriend, if I had one. A serious one, that is... I would not give a car on the first date. But my Prius is definitely not a "chick magnet." Once a man approached my car at a supermarket and asked me about it. After a bit of conversation about envoronmentalism, I told him he sounded like a UU. Turned out he belongs to my church. I had not met him because I had only been here 2 or 3 weeks.
Danny, I'll be your serious GF if you buy me a black #8 Prius Edited to add: I'm blond, have blue eyes and petite! B) Edited again to add: I would need it by sundown! Edited one again to ad: J/K I like being single and paying for my own stuff!
daniel, this is going to confuse the hell out of you, but this whole buying-a-girlfriend-a-prius thing makes me think you're too nice for most women. women in general don't understand a nice man. and in the end they see it as an opportunity to walk all over someone. don't ask me to explain, i'm not one of those, but i've seen it over and over.
Yeah, I couldn't be one of those girls who does that. That's why I told Dan I was just joking. I'm to nice to walk all over someone. Even if I got tempted to do that I couldn't because I'm not a good actress. Sometimes I wish I could walk all over guys. I could maybe get one of them to buy me a Prius. Guess I gotta work hard and get my own! (Glad I can at least do that! )
Yeah J/K means joking. Sorry Daniel I though you were joking too. Men are to much trouble for me. At 41 now and never being married I'm kinda spolied and set in my ways now. Not sure a guy could deal with me much less me deal with them. LOL Not everyone has to eventually get married do they. :huh:
lolz...Ive only had my prius for 3 months and Im already thinking of letting my partner buy it off me so i can eventually get a 2006+ She didn't know anything about the prius when I turned up with one, but after seeing it, driving it, and understanding whats its about, I can see she wouldnt mind one at all another faitfhul convert
That's funny. Converting the world one person at a time starting with your partners LOL I told my salesguy to bring me in a thousand Priuses and a demo #8. I can sell them in maybe one week! B)
So where's the dating service? I'm resorting to Match.com but it's cheaper than buying women drinks at bars every night.