Don't know how to setup a poll but I wonder if someone could post one where owners could answer yes or no if they have squeaks and rattles and where their car was built. I wonder if there's a correlation to a particular plant(s). One post mentioned better quality from plant 0 versus plant 5. I didn't think much of early reports of squeaks and noises but they seem to keep increasing.
May need to have everyone look at their VINs to verify where they've been built. Pulled this up from my records, note the 1st digit after the letter "A" in the VIN, that number will be either a 0, 1 or a 5. These represent where each vehicle was manufactured. V I N designations: J, T, D, K, N, 3, D, U, 6, A, 1, XXXXXX. J = Country of origin, Japan. T = Manufacturer, Toyota. D = Vehicle Type, Passenger. K = Body Type and Drive,5 Door Sedan, 2 Wheel Drive. N = Engine Family, 2 Z R F X E. 3 = Restraint System Grade. D = Series, V D W 30. U = Car Line, Prius. 6, = Check Digit, can be any number, used to verify the VI N. A, = Model Year, 2010. 0, 1 or 5 = Plant code, codes are, 0 = unknown, 1 = Tsusumi and 5 = unknown. X X X X X X = Serial Number. My car was built in plant "0", and I'd like to know which plant that is and where it's located. I remember some of the early owners saying their cars were built in Tsutsumi. David (aka Blind Guy)
Yeah, I'm pretty sure all Prii are built at the same plant. I'm pretty darned sure that all the Gen2s were all Built in Toyoda City.
I recall in an earlier thread from months ago - the Prius is built in two plants in Japan. One large - the Tsutsumi, and another smaller. Mine was built in the "other" plant (a '0' plant code VIN). And I have 0 squeaks or rattles. Built in June.
From Wikipedia, that bastion of accurate information: Assembly Tsutsumi, [ame=""]Japan[/ame] (Toyota City) [ame=""]Kariya[/ame], [ame=""]Aichi[/ame], [ame=""]Japan[/ame] (Fujimatsu) [ame=""]Chengdu[/ame], [ame=""]Sichuan[/ame], [ame=""]China[/ame] (Chinese domestic market only)
I have a (5). Squeaks and rattles in center console, dash board, passenger side door/dash area. Everyday.
Mine is "5", therefore it was produced at the second plant (TIS refers to it as "Toyota Auto Body", btw). Build date was around end of June (don't know the exact date). I have no problems so far.
Most Interesting! On the basis of those responding thus far, there are 6 (counting mine) assembled at "0" with no rattles; 2 at "1" with no rattles; 2 at "5" with rattles and squeeks, and 2 at "5" without rattles. On the basis of a very limited sample ... it seems plant "5" may have a problem. Actually, my "0" built Prius is completely satisfactory in every respect: good mileage, comfort, fit & finish, road noise, power, accessories and on and on. What is your experience in these other areas? "5" built .... are there other issues with your?
Add mine as a "0" plant, September build. No squeaks/rattles. Very happy with the quality of the car so far after a little over 200 miles.
I don't think this poll is going to give very good results. Temperature has a major influence over squeaks in a car, so location and time of year will make these results fluctuate. In looking at the posts so far, everyone in the warmer climates seem to have no rattles while the UK guy has lots of them. And as we head into winter, I'm guessing more new owners will complain about rattles than those who took delivery in the summer and fall.