Yesterday I asked similar question on a car forum in Russia about having American citizenship as additional one. Poll results you can see here (the first row means yes ) Subj. Would you like your child to have Russian passport not as replacement to the US one but as the second one? p.s. Sorry, the poll question itself doesn't say that it's about citizenship for your child.
Well who wouldn't like to get the HELL out of there and come over here and drain the public dole!!! On the other hand who wants to go there??????? NYETSKI!!!
I would say get as many passport for the child as you can. Having more is better, right? It is possible that standard of living in United States will drop precipitously in next few decades. It is also possible that standard of living will improve greatly here in United States. It is possible that Russia will be the land of opportunity some time in future. Or maybe not. People in both countries have significant challenges and opportunities. Hedge your bets, I would say. We are all citizens of the world, after all.
I'd be interested in knowing what the OP's goal in the poll is, especially on a site that has a predominantly American membership. Speaking with the ego that only an American can have, I can understand why someone might ask the question of having American citizenship (which is what s/he actually seems to actually be asking) as a second citizenship. And I can understand the academic exercise of asking whether Americans might want to have dual citizenship in any other country. I don't understand limiting the question to Russia, though. Hopefully the OP comes back to better explain the goal of the post. It could make for an interesting discussion.
I limited the question to American citizenship on the Russian forum. I know that the situation in Russia at this moment is not as good as people wish to be but the question is about citizenship for children, means if something changes within next 10-20 years they would have an option. The poll is indeed about Russia and USA because what ever happens or was happening these two countries have the most influence in the world and both may give huge opportunities in the future. Again, the poll is about is about children (or maybe grandchildren), means for the future - I'm not asking if someone would like to get Russian passport today, otherwise the results will be pretty obvious
I'm not giving mine up, that's for sure. And I'd want to see the Russian woman in person before I'd agree to have children with her. Note to Tom and Dave: Sorry, dudes, there's a test for determining Canadianness, and you've both failed.