I took delivery of my Prius 6 years ago today. I'm at about 93,000 essentially trouble free miles. I've had to replace the front struts, and had the various TSBs and SSCs done. My fuel economy has steadily improved over those years (wish I knew how to drive as efficiently then as I do now)! My LMPG, which I haven't recorded for about 5 months, is over 56 now. Anyway, it's always a special day. With my plans for a sabbatacle next year I may be selling her before the next anniversary....that'll be sad.
Yup, I clearly remember that... and was quite anxious & jealous, since mine didn't arrive until 2 days later. Congrats! .
you're going to sell it before your sabbatical? after all the hours you've sunk into it installing things and taking pictures and troll-slaying here on the forums and trips to hybridfest and detroit and who knows where else? man, i imagine you're so far underwater, at your value per hour! i'm kidding, of course. is the hihy up on the sale block too? we'll be looking to buy a well-kept one for DH at some point next year.
I kept my Ford Expedition the longest. I owned it from 1997 (end of residency) until 2006 when we got the HiHy. I had separation anxiety when I got the Prius so we held onto the big SUV. It was driven less than 2000 miles/year and usually I had to jump start it when I did want to drive it. My first car only lived about 4 years...mostly due to neglect. My second car lasted about 8 years and was going strong, but wasn't really what I needed when I was planning to move to Alaska.
Both are still kind of up in the air. Not really sure what we'd do about keeping them running when we'll be gone for 9 months. My Tesla should be in within a few months of getting home, so it's tempting to nurse along the Prius so I have a vehicle to drive after the Tesla comes and then maybe keep it as a back-up vehicle for those trips that I have range anxiety with the Tesla.
If you end up going over seas, you could take it with you! Think of all the looks you'd get with that crazy left sided stearing. They'd mistake you for the mail man. .
i "treat" my Pri's about every 3-5 months or so with a wash, wax, tire rotation and pressure check. they do love the personal treatment since i do the work myself
I forgot to include the numbers I usually do when I post the anniversary data. At 93k miles I like to compare my statistics had I continued to drive my Ford Expedition (my pre-Prius vehicle) or an equivalent. Fuel used: Expedition-7750 Gallons @ 12MPG = $19375.00 Gas (@2.50/gallon) Prius-1646 Gallons @ 56.5MPG = $4114.00 Gas (@$2.50/gallon) ____________________________________________________ 6104 Gallons of Gas Saved/$15,261.00 in Gas Saved!! Essentially, I've saved 1/2 my initial cost of the Prius in fuel alone.
Nice. At least for me, the $$$ saved on gas makes me much more likely to keep the various small maintenance items up to date. Which I believe will contribute to a long, trouble-free life. :rockon: A two-fer for sure. :cheer2:
"Fuel used: Expedition-7750 Gallons @ 12MPG = $19375.00 Gas (@2.50/gallon) Prius-1646 Gallons @ 56.5MPG = $4114.00 Gas (@$2.50/gallon)" Wow...that's get some attention!
I love doing that math to show people how much fuel/money I've saved since I stopped driving the big truck (13mpg) and started driving the Prius. In 3 more years I'll have completely paid off the difference of buying a new car.
That means you also reduced 118,418 lbs (59.2 tons) of CO2 emission. The CO2 alone would've weighted as many as 41 Priuses!