Has anyone had any issues witht he ventilation via solar panels? I was sitting in my car waiting the ten minutes for the ventilation to start. It seems very weak and made a noise like a motor boat. Ive not noticed any similarity to outside vs inside temp when parked directly in sunlight. I will have the dealer look at it on my first visit. Thanks
In the short time I've had mine I've noticed the sound you describe, however in the owner's manual it does state "If the amount of sunlight is insufficient, you may hear a sound coming from the air conditioning system. This is the sound of a control function to preserve the fan and does not indicate a malfunction." At the times I noticed the noise the sun was not particularly strong, and it was at an angle to the solar panel. The air was blowing, but not constantly or strongly, which I suspect is just right given the fact that the sun wasn't beating fully down on the car.
If you read the manual, it mentions that under some circumstances (e.g., not full/direct sunlight), the system will make "groaning-like" sounds. That's normal...according to the manual. If you are expecting a full blast or air out of the front vents from this system, that won't happen...but it does drammatically keep the interior of the car cooler, and closer to the outside air temperature. It works the way it is suppose to. Finally, the manual mentions there is a 8 (or 10 minute) delay after turning offf the car before the system is activated...so don't expect it to start working the minute you turn off the car,
Mine makes this sound when a cloud goes over the sun. I think the system works remarkable well on hot sunny days.
The sun is not full on this season in NJ, so when I park the car, after about 10 minutes or so, I will periodically hear a buzzing sound if I keep the solar ventilation switch on. If I place my hand close to the front air vents, this sound will be followed by cooler air from the vents for about 5 seconds or less. According to the manual, this buzzing sound before the air blast is normal, because the car is making allowance for the weak sun.