My wife and I also get much different fuel economy for the same trip. Although she drops off and picks up the kid and does other errands (more short trips), uses A/C more, basically drives it like any other car without regen braking or elec motor. She gets 48 mpg to my 54 mpg.
An interesting and encouraging update. I ran an errand this morning that allowed me to get the car good and warmed up. When I returned, I decided to go home for lunch. I pulled up by my shop, hit the reset on the MFD and drove my usual route home. When I pulled into my driveway, the readout was 61.8mpg. Wow! what a difference. Of course that's just one trip under the ideal circumstances, but it does validate what has been written in this string.
I guess the only lemon you have is in the length of your commute. That's pretty good news. Congratulations.