I did my first oil change today using Rhino Ramps to lift the car. These ramps are made of a plastic like material and have a low incline. I was able to drive my Prius up them with no clearance problem. And they provide plenty of room under the car to access the drain plug ( I installed a Fumoto valve) and the oil filter. I got them on sale at a local auto parts store for about 20 bucks. I highly recomment them.
That's a good question. If you change your oil with a ramp, and the car is therefore on a slight incline, will the oil drain correctly? Will you get all the old stuff out? Or do you have to make sure that the car is on a slight incline so that when you drive up the ramps, the car is fairly level. I've never used ramps to change the oil on my BMW, then my Corolla and then my Imprezza. I'm 52 now, so I think I need more room underneath. Plus, the Prius seems to have a tighter ground clearance. But those ramps look pretty cool, and the price looks good too. Mark
I got them also because the angle of my old steel ones was too steep to clear the bumper. the oil drain is at the back of the crankcase and drains well with a nose up position. I installed the Fram easy drain about $12 @ Wallys.
I've changed the oil with and without rhino ramps. Both are easy, and the choice depends on what I want to do. If I'm going to rotate the tires, I don't bother with the ramps. There is enough clearance and the oil drain plug is close enough to make it easy to get to. Then I can rotate the tires while the oil is draining. If I want to check the CV boots, etc. Up on ramps it goes, and I can slide under it pretty easily. It seems safer on ramps then on jackstands. As a note of caution for those that don't know. After driving your car unto the ramps, put it in neutral and take your foot off the brake so you know it is in a stable position (not wanting to roll forward or back). Then put it in park and apply the parking brake, you really, really don't want a car rolling off when you're underneath. Thanks, Shawn
I was able to find a very shallow sheet metal drain pan at a Farm and Fleet supply warehouse here in Winnipeg. It holds around 4 litres which is just right for the Prius. This way I don't have to worry about ramps. I just drive out to my hobby farm, pull into the garage, change the oil and filter in reasonable comfort, and done. The drain plug and oil filter appear to be very easy to get to.
Rhino ramps (or the cheap clones at Kragen or Pep Boys) are great for changing the oil. If I back into the sloped driveway, the ramps just about level the car when I drive up onto them. A few more tips: Most funnels don't have a long enough neck to do much good. Find one with a longer neck and you don't have to hold it over the fill cap. Don't buy the expensive oil-absorb; bargain cat litter is made of the same stuff and is a whole lot cheaper. Pour slowly; some say fast filling can force oil into the manifold same as overfilling. Safety: Yes, let it rock into a stable point on the ramps, then both Park and parking brake. I also put a couple of chocks on the rear wheels.
Does any one else use the power ramps? They are made by the company US Leisure and Rhino ramps are made by Blitz. They are like the rhino ramps but can be stacked to take up less space in storage.
Here are the specs... US Leisure : PoweRamp Blitz USA: Item # 11903 RhinoRampâ„¢ 8000 Which ones do you use?
I have Rhino Ramp and I don't think they are stackable. The rubber bottom is too small and the ramp slides whenever the Prius reaches the top and come to a stop. For the Poweramp owners, how are your experience?
Our county accepts household quantities of used oil at the local landfill -- not to dump in the landfill but to recycle.
Federal law requires that it be recycled properly. You can take it just about anywhere as long as its less than or equal 5 qt I think was the reasonable amount if someone says you have to much. You can take it to the auto part store that sales it. Next time that you fill up the gas tank stop by a gas station with a shop and give it to them. They are some requirements by the government that requires them to take it free of charge. Although I am not sure where to take break fluid.
I think that I also used to have Rhino ramps when I lived in another stated and then let a friend have them when I was moving out. I think that Power Ramp slides a little less, but the down side to that, is that the front peace of plastic tends to flex and to it from moving as much. Also Rhino ramps were the only ramps on the market at that time, when I lived in another state. I think that the Rhino ramps are more sturdy because they are reinforce all they way to the bottom, while the Power Ramp designed to stackable so they use a bridge type construction. I will post pictures of the bottom when I have more time. I like the stakable feature, since my space in limited.
I change my oil on the side of the road in front of my house. Drive the passenger side up on the kerb and pull the plug out. The oil only runs a short way and disappears down the storm water drain. I remove the filter and throw that down the drain as well, once out of site I forget it ever existed. This isn't legal but as long as you don't get caught it is fine. Now that I have your attention, I take my waste oil and filter to the local recycling centre. Only a moron would put waste oil into the local environment.
One more thing about ramps. It is possible to drive over the end of them. I did, and have dents in the rocker panels on both sides. Have someone spot you the first couple times you do this.
i've been using rhino ramps for decades, for trucks, cars and now my Prius fyi ... they're running a mail-in rebate on 'em at Pep Boys right now :thumb:
I have heard that happen only once by a guy driving an automatic Acura Integura. He was not careful at all and automatic transmission is not as controllable as the priuses power split device. What happend was the pinch weld broke trought the stopper and and landed flat on the ramp. When he jacked up the car to get the ramps out there was no noticuble damage. Then again I am not sure if he used rhino ramps but I do know that they were plastic.
I've been using the old style steel ramps since I got my Prius. I just lay a 2' piece of 2x8 lumber in front of the ramp to lift it that couple of inches so it won't hit the ramp while driving on.