It's in your phone's options somewhere. On my LG env2, I hit OK during a call, then scroll down to the last option, 'switch to handset'. ETA: There's also a 'transfer call' button on the screen.
thx a lot i will try!! i have problem copy the contacts from the telephone to the navi unit. It always display transfe but nothing is trasfered.
I forgot this was the GenIII forum.. I don't have one, so what I posted may no longer be accurate. Can anyone confirm?
The Navigation manual states that you cannot change from Handsfree to cell phone while driving. But they also state that the Call Transfer feature works differently with different phones. Tonight I made a call with the Handsfree system and the audio stopped and the call was broadcast within the car. I opened my cell phone and pressed Call Transfer. The audio came back on through the speakers and the call was transferred to the cell phone. So the Call Transfer with my LG VX5500 will let me transfer to my cell phone for privacy.
If you are the driver, doing so can be dangerous. Initially your call was hands free and public. Now you want to switch to holding the phone with your hands and talking privately. This is a distraction to you as the driver, and a dangerous risk for everyone in the vehicle - and in some states is illegal. Don't do it. Besides, a Prius is not huge. Everyone in the vehicle (unless hearing impaired) will hear everything you say anyway. Jim
Jim does bring up a good point. To clarify my testing, I was sitting in my driveway at the time I tested the Call Transfer feature.
Except that all studies of distracted driving show that there is no significant improvement in driver attention when using a hands free system compared to a handset. It's the talking on the phone that distracts drivers and not the holding of the handset. Talking on the phone while driving -- even with a handsfree setup -- leads to a distracted driver.
Yes, driving while talking on a cellphone is distracting and extremely dangerous - whether handheld or not. Have you seen somebody driving down the highway while eating a sandwich with one hand, holding a cellphone with the other, and steering with their toes? Its bound to happen.
The only issue is that I can choose what I say in front of the other passengers... The person on the other end may not know (or remember) there are others in the car... Les ---
Based on the responses it would be easier to just tell your girlfriend when your wife will be riding with you. :blush:
So what do you do to transfer the call from your car to your handset when sitting in park in the driveway trying to get out of the car?
hotbrass, I opened my cell phone and then pressed the Call Transfer button on the Phone screen. The call was stopped on the Nav and I continued my conversation on my cell phone as I walked in the house. Dwight
Turn off the car. The phone realizes your bluetooth "headset" is gone and switches to the phone's speaker. (I imagine all phones do this, but I routinely do it on my iPhone.)
I think it really depends on the driver and the conversation. Someone having an argument with their spouse is far more distracted than someone calling a co-worker to see if they'll be working from home that day. And some people are better at letting the phone conversation lag as appropriate. You have to be willing to not talk or say, "Hang on, traffic's distracting" or whatever. Some people simply should not talk on the phone in a car, others can learn that the rules of conversation have to change in favor of safety, including dropping the call if necessary. I guess you can't exactly make laws that way, but... (And in terms of actual accidents reported as "cellphone", I wonder how many were actually other distractions that were turned into cellphone calls because that doesn't make you look like an idiot, while "I was trying to pick up a CD that fell under the passenger seat" does. Obviously, they've done simulated studies, but how much variance was there between people?) Unless it's the caller's identity that you don't want people to know about, the first words out of your mouth when you pickup should be "Hello, this is ____, and I'm on speakerphone in the car with some friends/co-workers/whatever. How are you doing?" It was very enlightening for me the first time someone did this and it makes a LOT of sense.