Would like to paint body color How does inside rear hatch plastic come off 2010 V love it 350 miles!!!!!!!!
just snaps in. Start in one corner. I have roll of carbon fiber I'be like to use, thinking either mirrors, hood, or that back spoiler.
Rear spoiler body color Is it me or i think black spoiler should be body color i think im taking mine off and painting anybody done it agree???
Re: Rear spoiler body color I have the G2, but I'd vote for painting the G3 spoiler the same as the body color. That's how the G2s are. I've been trying to make myself like the G3 design, and have not yet been successful. One of the things that I think really detracts is that black spoiler. I think that a body color spoiler would be a great improvement on the G3 (except for the black or dark gray colors Prii, which don't look bad with the black spoiler). The black spoiler on any other color G3 Prius reinforces the "Pontiac Aztec" look too much, IMO.
With my Blizzard Pearl and tinted windows, I really like the way the black spoiler blends actually... I just don't think it'd look as good in white. I also like the way it looks on the Winter Grey alot as well.
I think using a common black spoiler is one way that Toyota held the price down on the 2010. It is a lot of trouble and expense to have a supplier paint spoilers to all the body colors. Extra sequencing cost to the assembly line also. Color match problems can be an issue. In my opinion it looks good in black on any color car since the glass is above and below.
It boils down to opinion and personal preference. Personally, I agree with Paradox that it looks good with my tint.
I think the black spoiler is a big improvement over the body color. It makes the back top and bottom windows look more integrated. The Gen II looks a lot more chunky. Don't paint it.
First let me say that I don't know if the 3rd gen. is the same as the 2nd gen. in this respect, but. You cannot just "paint" the spoiler (mine is '09), I had a bit of damage done to that area and when it was being repaired (by the body shop of my Toyota dealer) (who would know for sure) the spoiler could not be painted by them. They had to order the spoiler already colored as it is of a plastic substance and will not hold paint. Hope this gives those of you who are thinking of painting, something to investigate before you go any further. zonie
The Gen III spoiler is quite a bit different from the Gen II. It is made of a black translucent plastic. I'm surprised they couldn't paint your Gen II spoiler -- I had always assumed that it was painted, just like the bumpers. If they have trouble painting a spoiler that already matches the body color, I would imagine that they'd have even more trouble painting the black Gen III spoiler, which isn't meant to be painted.
won't isn't the same as can't...dealers are finnicky about what they will do or not because they represent the car maker as well as the privately owned dealership.