Hi guys, I took my car today to my friend's car shop and had it lifted, just to check the underbody before upcoming winter. We had a quick look-and-see and I took the opportunity to take some pictures and decided to post them as maybe somebody might find them interesting . Unfortunately, we were not able to lift the car high enough to be able to snap the whole underbody at one picture, so I took several photos showing various parts of the car. I've come upon a similar thread in the gen III forum recently, showing some interesting pictures of the gen III Prius underbody, and I thought that it might also make for some interesting comparison between the two Prius generations .
Nice sharp photos. Was the car driven on a wet road before the photos were taken? If not, see photo #2 and note the liquid on the CV joint and suspension. I'm wondering whether the joint boot might be leaking a bit of grease OR the strut is leaking strut oil onto the boot and other suspension parts?
Yes, it was raining and the car went some 20 miles on wet roads just before the picture was taken. I checked the boots thoroughly, as this was one of the main things I wanted to look at; It was just water. But thank you anyway for noticing .